As an avid user of chopsticks, I was genuinely surprised to find out that chopsticks, even just a single chopstick, can be used brilliantly for many different things besides eating with them.
So here’s to hoping these hacks works as well for you as they did with myself.
1. Making tiny curls in your hair.

Gif by Nikko Tonolete
This may not be the first thing you think of doing with a pair of chopsticks that you just broke out. But hear me out; it actually works. Sometimes you don’t want large curls. Two tiny curls on each side could be a nice accent to your new hair do.
2. Prop a plant upright

Gif by Nikko Tonolete
For all you green thumbs out there. You’re welcome. Don’t you hate it when your plants bend and droop down? With just two chopsticks and a rubber band or scrunchy, you can help that plant stay upright.
3. Clean mud off of your shoes

Gif by Nikko Tonolete
If you live in a rainy area, even if you don’t, you’ve definitely had mud stuck in the bottom of your shoes. This is one of the most irritating issues because wiping them off on a floor mat just doesn’t cut it. With a simple chopstick you can get in between those hard to reach places and clean your shoe off right away.
4. Squeeze a lemon without getting juice on your hands.

Gif by Nikko Tonolete
You might be asking when you would need this. Picture yourself with cuts on your fingers on both hands. Would you wanna squeeze a lemon and burn those cuts? I didn’t think so. By poking holes in a lemon slice and twisting it to squeeze, you can get that precious lemon juice without the messy hands.
5. Use a chopstick as Popsicle sticks.

Gif by Nikko Tonolete
This is my personal favorite. I’m sure I’m not the only one who, as a kid, used their ice trays as popsicle makers. Now there’s a way to super size that. Using any cup and a chopstick, you can have a giant frozen treat that will for sure help you beat the heat.