Barthelona: where appetizer season is always in season. While these finger foods may initially fool you into thinking that splitting a few tapas over dinner will stop you from packing on that Abroad 15 (or shall I say 30), you will find very soon that is not the case. These four outrageously delicious bites will get ya. Every. Single. Time.
1. Patatas Bravas

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A meal without bravas in Barcelona is a meal lost. This signature Spanish dish is characterized by a handful of tiny white potatoes deep-fried in oil and smothered in a spicy tomato and aioli sauce. Sizzling hot on the plate and even hotter on your tongue, bravas deliciously complement the countless delicious seafood tapas that the Mediterranean has to offer.
Trust me, one order of bravas will not be enough for the table.
2. Croquetas

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Think mozzarella sticks on steroids. Crispy on the outside and creamy on the inside, Spanish croquetas are a delicacy of fried proportions. Bite into the center and you’ll discover a delicious rich white sauce made with milk, onions, and shallots (known as a béchamel sauce) tossed amongst shredded chicken.
Dine anywhere in Barcelona and you’ll be able to score a plateful of these. If you’re lucky enough to study in Barca, you might as well consider croquetas one of your main food groups.
3. Jamón Ibérico

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Ah, jamón. We’re talking next level deli meat. Found exclusively in Spain and some regions of Portugal, this type of cured Iberian ham is so good it’s like candy. So good that all you need on the plate is the jamón itself. Served in super thin slices and rolled up into perfection, ham will never taste the same to you again.
4. Pan con Tomate

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This tapa gives “bread with tomatoes” an entirely new meaning. Perhaps the most well-loved and most widely eaten dish in Cataluña, España, pan con tomate is a simplistic masterpiece.
It truly is revolutionary: this creation is essentially born from rubbing a tomato on a piece of grilled bread. A stroke of Spanish genius, this grilled bread is topped lightly with olive oil, salt, garlic and vinegar before a juicy tomato is grated on top. Although it may sound strange at first, don’t knock it till you try it.
Imagine living in a bag of Lays: Betcha can’t eat just one.
Studying in Barca? Check out these other local spots you can’t miss: