
4 Food Movies to Watch While You Quarantine


The CDC says that social distancing is key to help slow the spread of recent worldwide pandemic, COVID-19.

Although social distancing is vital to hopefully stymie community transmission of the virus it can also be very lonely and boring – believe me, I know. I have only been stuck in my house for 3 days and I am already getting restless.

Movies Are Truly Lifesaving

I have realized (in my time of isolation) that movies are truly lifesaving. Movies and television shows have been great sources of entertainment for my family and me.

They make us laugh, cry, and feel all types of emotions.

In a time of uncertainty, an on-screen distraction can be very comforting.  I have created a list of 4 food movies you can watch in quarantine for COVID-19 to cure your boredom or restlessness. 

I hope you all stay safe and remember this too shall pass – in the meantime, enjoy the down time and watch some flicks with your friends or family.

1. Julie and Julia

This is an American-comedy film that contrasts the life of chef with the life of food blogger .

Meryl Streep (one of Hollywood’s favorite actresses) plays the role of Julia in this light and entertaining comedy. Amy Adams (another one of Hollywood’s favorites) plays the role of Julie Powell.

This is positive and encouraging story that makes you want to whip up some recipes in your own kitchen.

This film is actually on Netflix too – so if you have this streaming service you don’t have to watch at any additional cost.

For more information on this film you can click here.

2. Ratatouille

This animated Disney film is an oldie, but goodie. Believe me you might have enjoyed Ratatouille as a kid but watching as an adult is even more fun.

Watch and follow Remy, a highly intelligent rat, on his journey to become a chef.

This film is available on Disney+. If you don’t have this streaming service, then you can pay to rent it on Amazon or iTunes.

For more information on this film you can click here.

3. No Reservations

This is a romantic comedy drama that follows an intense and powerful head chef, Kate, as she is comes face to face with one of her biggest challenges.

Kate becomes the legal garden of her niece after her sister’s death and must navigate life with a child and as an in-demand chef.

You can stream this movie by paying for it on Amazon, iTunes or other available services.

For more information on this film you can click here.

4. Eat Pray Love

Technically, only one portion of this movie is about food, but it is still a great film. The films central character embarks on a journey of self-discovery Italy, India and Bali.

This film includes a lot of pasta scenes – so warning: you might find yourself hungry after watching.

You can stream this movie by paying for it on Amazon, iTunes or other available services.

For more information on this film you can click here.

Well there you have it folks -- turn on your TV and get watching!