College has taught us many things: the importance of a good siesta to help us make it through evening cram sessions, the beauty of sharing Netflix passwords with your inner circle, and most importantly, the reality of binge drinking away the weekend to let loose after long days of studying. The reality of this lifestyle has also showed us that the Freshman 15 is real. But does it have to be?
To all you ladies who have cut beer out of your drinking diet due to its high caloric content, you should know that each shot you take also has around 100 calories minimum. And don’t forget about those sugary chasers your inconsiderate guy friends have provided you with (regular Coke instead of diet-ew). In a journey to figure out a way to continue the drinking habits I have sustained so far in college without packing on the pounds, I have discovered four beers that won’t inhibit your buzz, and more importantly, your spring break bod.
Full disclosure: There are many low calorie beers unmentioned including Bud select 55 and Miller 64, but we won’t recognize beers with ABV under 4.0%. Happy tailgating!
1. Bud Light Platinum

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BLP doesn’t get the street cred it deserves. It weighs in at 137 calories and 4.40 carbs per 12-oz. which is why it can sometimes get a bad rep. Yet this beer also prides itself on 6% alcohol by volume (aka ABV). This is an amazing advantage against all those 3.4 ABV beers that call themselves “light.” I call those beers a waste of time. BLP’s are a true gift to the people of our beloved college communities who want to get silly without facing the inevitable gag reflex that comes with taking shots.
2. Michelob ULTRA

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This multi-talented light lager has a lot to offer beer lovers around the world. It is a low cal and low carb beer with 95 calories and 2.60 carbs per 12-oz. bottle. You will also be happy to know that it still has a solid ABV of 4.2%(most light beers are 2.7%-3.8%). There’s a lot to be thankful for here people.
3. Miller Lite

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Miller Lite has 4.2% ABV and is 96 calories, 1 calorie more than our all too familiar Natty Light. They also tie in carbs at 3.20 per 12-oz. but honestly, let’s just ignore that one calorie because Miller Lite is way more enjoyable than most of its class of cheap college beers.
4. Best Cheap Beer: Miller Fortune

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Students and peers, while Miller Fortune weighs itself at 184 calories and 11.4 carbs per 12-oz. beer, it also has 6.9% ABV which steps on most of the competition of other under 200 calorie beers. You can find it at local beer distributors for $11.99 per 12 pack. That’s what’s up.
Want to check out the nutritional information for all of your favorite beers? Click here.
Not into beer? Go read the 10 Killer Low-Cal Drinks to Order at the Bar.
Not sure which beer you are? Take this quiz and find out.
Who says you have to drink it? Go read this article to find out Four Awesome Ways to Cook with Beer.