Food packaging is the worst.
Okay, yes, sometimes I understand when it’s meant to make the food last longer, especially if it’s produce and you can’t add preservatives to its shelf life. But when you put a plastic film on top of my greek yogurt, along with an aluminum seal and a plastic cap on top of that, then that’s when I start getting mad.
Feelin’ what I’m saying? Then you’ll totally understand why these are the 27 worst food packaging ideas of all time:
Any Bag of Chips Ever

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Please, just ONCE fill the bag up with chips. I didn’t pay $2 for air.
Capri Sun

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If you’ve never punctured the back of your Capri Sun when you’re trying to insert the straw, are you even American?

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When you’re so excited to open a box of cereal and you rip the plastic bag too far down so half of your cereal ends up in the bottom of the box…….. yeah.
Domino Brown Sugar

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If you use all of your brown sugar before it hardens into a steel brick, then you either bake a lot or you’re a magical human being.
Can’t they just sell it in something resealable??? Ugh.
Freshly Sliced Deli Cold Cuts

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Oh, you know exactly what I’m getting at: that piece of shit grocery stores consider a plastic bag. Yep, the one they throw your sliced oven-roasted turkey in and then slap a sticker over it to keep the meat nice and secure.
Then when you dream up a killer sandwich in which you need said turkey, there’s no way around ripping the plastic bag. It happens every. Single. Time.

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Yeah, they do fill the canister all the way. But unless your hand is the size of a mouse or you enjoy getting shards of Pringles everywhere when you flip the canister over to get those last few chips, they suck.
School Milk Cartons

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#tbt to the days when it took at least 5 minutes to open your milk at school. It’s like they designed these things to be impossible. I still get filled with rage when I have to open the adult-sized ones.
Produce Stickers

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Have I eaten one of these? Probably.
Pillsbury Crescent Rolls

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Sorry, Dough Boy, but this packaging sucks. It takes forever to find the seam, the paper never fully comes off on the first try, and it’s impossible to keep the directions intact.
Soy Sauce Packets

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Sushi lovers, I hope you feel me on this one.
Dole Fruit Cups

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Is it really necessary to put in all that water/syrup? No. The answer is always no.
Nature Valley Bars

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Crumb city, bitch.
Poland Spring Sport Bottles

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Damn those stupid little pieces of plastic that keep you from chugging your water bottle when you need it most.
Shrink-wrapped English Cucumbers

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Seriously? Why the hell do you need to plastic wrap a single cucumber when there’s a whole bin next to them that are free-ballin’ it?
Don’t even get me started about how annoying it is to try to take the plastic off the cucumber.
Plastic Bags/Boxes of Salad

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I don’t know about you, but when I buy a bag of lettuce it’s usually just for me. Only does it make sense to sell lettuce in this size if it’s for a family of 5, all of whom adore eating food fit for rabbits.
Take it from the rage stirred by Brandy Melvile’s one-size-fits-all: it doesn’t work that way.
All the Yogurt

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I just love it when my Yoplait splatters all over my face, don’t you?
Tostitos Queso or Salsa

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Was this designed to be eaten out of the jar so my knuckles get covered in food? Or was it made so that I can’t get all of the salsa out when I pour it into a bowl? Either way, fml.
Break and Bake Cookie Dough

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But what if I didn’t want to make all 24 cookies? I’m only human…
Fla-vor-ice Pops

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Y u no let me eat flavored ice????
Hershey Kisses

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Why are you wrapped? No, seriously, why?

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Like, I’m going to eat the whole bag anyway so stop trying to portion control. Thanks.

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I think this is self-explanatory.
Glass Ketchup

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Uh, there’s no way I’m going to use the entire bottle without being able to squeeze it.
Bags of Sugar or Flour

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Flour and sugar everywhereeee ahhhhhh.
Frozen Pizza

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First you have to open the box. Then you have to rip the plastic off the pizza while also trying to keep the toppings on. Then you have to remember to take that disk out from underneath the pizza. Then you have to actually cook it.
Snack Packs

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Props to the people who can open their pudding without the top ripping in half.

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Come on people, we can think of an easier way to shotgun beer.