Any coffee addict understands the sensation you get when you take that first sip of espresso, or the way your heart begins to beat a little faster after you smell a freshly brewed pot of coffee.
If you’re anything like me, you are not a functioning person before you get your daily coffee fix. In case you accidentally missed your morning coffee or need a mid-day energy boost, here are 23 beautiful photos of coffee to help wake you up.
1. This rainbow

Photo courtesy of @samgirlspeaks on Instagram
Finally, a coffee vibrant enough to match the feeling of a caffeine high.
2. These iced coffees

Photo courtesy of @_thetig on Instagram
Coming from an iced coffee addict, this picture gives me life.
3. This latte

Photo courtesy of @yyzcoffee on Instagram
Please give me a sip!
4. This masterpiece

Photo courtesy of @pamelappm on Instagram
Yes, that is a picture of a boat. A freaking BOAT.
5. These coffees with flowers in them

Photo courtesy of @traceychocchoc on Instagram
I repeat: flowers.
6. This magical machine

Photo courtesy of @_home.lover_ on Instagram
I can’t espresso my love for this picture.
7. This Disney-inspired cup of joe

Photo courtesy of @jouleneng on Instagram
Mickey and Minnie aren’t nearly as good a duo as coffee and I.
8. These words of wisdom

Photo courtesy of @kawiarniacoffeedesk on Instagram
Good coffee is good, but great coffee is better.
9. This coffee/cupcake hybrid

Photo courtesy of @johnnie_at_daisycakes on Instagram
Might be the best combination I’ve ever seen.
10. Cuteness in a cup

Photo courtesy of @gracepang33 on Instagram
I would just like to point out that this coffee is from McDonald’s. And if you thought McCafé couldn’t get any better, check this out. I’m asking for this latte next time I stop at the drive thru window.
11. This coffee art

Photo courtesy of @prinzessinaufderkichererbse on Instagram
This painting is made out of coffee. Literal coffee art. If you like it, check out these food-inspired designs.
12. This Stephen Curry coffee portrait

Photo courtesy of @alcazarac on Instagram
The only thing that would make it better is if there was a mini portrait of his daughter, Riley Curry, next to it.
13. This 3D creation

Photo courtesy of @jennhedt on Instagram
How is this even possible?!
14. This layered latte

Photo courtesy of @maxene_xx on Instagram
Nicest ombré ever.
15. These hypnotizing creations

Photo courtesy of @avrilbaily on Instagram
These beautiful cappuccinos were made in Tasmania. If I wasn’t a broke student, I would travel there just to try these bad boys.
16. This mesmerizing cup of happiness

Photo courtesy of @pic_montiya on Instagram
I would gladly jump out of bed in the morning for this coffee.
17. This beautiful disaster

Photo courtesy of @_freak_fashion_ on Instagram
They say don’t cry over spilled milk, but does that rule apply to coffee? Either way, if spilled coffee looks this good, I won’t be crying about it.
18. These cups of liquid life

Photo courtesy of @my_coffee_desire on Instagram
I love this a latte.
19. This coffee with a view

Photo courtesy of @7gramscafe on Instagram
This cup of coffee can cure a fear of heights.
20. This velvety drink

Photo courtesy of @uzumcafe on Instagram
21. This frozen frenzy

Photo courtesy of @moritz_vogel on Instagram
If this was the last cup of coffee I could ever have in my life, I would be content. This is almost as great as this solution to craving iced coffee.
22. This coffee inception

Photo courtesy of @archieyuan on Instagram
Because if you didn’t Instagram your coffee, did you really have it?
23. This craftsmanship

Photo courtesy of @matylka_ on Instagram
Polly want a coffee?