Many of us include visiting a coffee shop or two in our weekly schedule, but we don’t all go for the same reasons. Whether you’re a soldier in the Starbucks vs. Dunkin’ Donuts war or claim immunity at a mom and pop coffee shop, let’s discuss some reasons why you visit your stomping grounds.
1. You’re Getting Coffee, Duh

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Whether it’s how you start your morning or how you keep on pushing into the afternoon, coffee is one of the most popular beverages in America. You’re here because you want some pep in your step accompanied by cream and sugar, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
2. You’re a Coffee Connoisseur

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You rarely ever get the same thing twice. You’re motivated to taste every single type of coffee, roast, and brew from every single country you can get your hands on. You’re a firm believer that the only way to drink coffee is black. You like to take your time in the coffee shop to relax and jot down notes of the flavors you taste in the dark roasted Ethiopian-Colombian hybrid nitro brew.
3. You Want Dessert Coffee

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“Can I get a caramel macchiato frappuccino with a double pump of mocha, extra sugar, extra milk, extra whipped cream, and go light on the coffee, please?”
4. You’re Getting a Caffeine Addiction Fix

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You were doing so well this morning until you blacked out. The next thing you know, you’re standing in line and it’s your turn to order. You don’t need coffee. You don’t need coffee. You don’t need coffee. OK maybe a small? You don’t need coffee. Switch it up and go with tea.
“Can I have a quadruple shot americano?”
5. You’re Getting Breakfast

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If there are two things you know in life, it is that you don’t have the willpower to make breakfast in the morning, and the price of a bacon, egg, and cheese at every local restaurant.
6. You’re Stalking Your Barista Crush
You’ll get their number one day, right?
7. You’re Doing Some Light Studying

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You just got out of class and decided it would be a good idea to answer this week’s discussion question while the information is still fresh in your head, or maybe you just want to go over the powerpoint one more time. Good for you. You deserve that vanilla pump.
8. You’re Doing Some Medium Studying

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Like clockwork, two hours before class starts you can be found in your natural habitat of the corner table in the back of the shop. You’re nose-deep in the textbook of one of your core classes taking notes on the chapter you were expected to have read by 4:30 so you won’t lose participation points and look stupid.
9. You’re Doing Some Heavy Studying

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It’s test day and you’re sipping on some cold brew, organizing your flashcards, going over the study guide, listening to a lecture you found on YouTube, and waiting for your classmate to come through for a final revision. It’s go time.
10. You’re Doing Some Extreme Studying

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People usually act a little weird during finals week, but you’re on a whole other level. Last night, you calculated your hypothetical grades and GPA, and you are absolutely determined to maintain your 4.0. One dropped test and a couple late assignments that you got permission to turn in with forged doctor’s notes will raise your grade from 49.5% to an A-. Then you’ll sweet talk your way into an A+. Hogging 2 tables and a box ‘o joe to yourself, you’ve been working for the past 10 hours while averaging 14 eye twitches per a minute.
11. You’re Fake Studying

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At a glance, it looks like you’re taking a study break after getting some work done. You’ve actually been hunched over your phone the whole time. You have no idea what’s going to be on the test (or even when it is) but you have your textbook on the table as a conversation starter for some good samaritan in your class to see. Hopefully they inform you about what’s going on. It’s the thought that counts, right?
12. You Like the Vibe

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You’re an artist/creative of some kind and this is where your best ideas manifest onto paper. There’s just something about the smell and energy of a coffee shop that gets your creative juices flowing. You somehow managed to drag out sipping a single 50 cent shot of espresso to 4 hours so they don’t ask you to leave, which is honestly impressive.
13. You Like the Vibe… That You Can’t Find in Your Dirty Room

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Your bedroom has clean and dirty clothes all over the floor, your desk is rendered useless from all the crap on it, and your room’s only salvation is a dollar store scented candle. But that’s none of my business. Keep working on that script of yours.
14. You Don’t Have Internet

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WiFi > food.
15. You’re Concocting Your Plan to Take Over The World

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After about a month of contemplating, you finally decide to go forward with your idea to start a company. You give an elevator pitch to a few close buddies and then go into detail over some lattes at the local coffee shop.
16. You Want Instagram Likes

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Congratulations, you’re living in the 21st century and you’re working it. Social media is huge in today’s society and you see it as a stepping stone to advance your modeling/singing/party promoter/hair dressing career. What better way to do it than ordering two Cuban coffees by yourself to make the picture seem like you’re with someone, throw a valencia filter on it, then add the hashtag #2Blessed2BeStressed? You may leave 5 minutes later, but branding game on fleek.
17. You’re at Open Mic Night

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You’re here to support your best friend who can sing her butt off and uses every single waking hour to prove it. Inspired by all the talent and caffeine, you decide it’ll be a good idea to read a poem from the secret collection you keep on your phone. Don’t do it, fam.
18. You “Lost” Your I.D.

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It’s Friday night. You don’t have a house party address or a fake I.D., but you refuse to stay in. Might as well go to Natura since they always have live performances.
19. You’re on a First Date

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You finally got her number and it’s time to give her the old razzle dazzle. Your plan is to take her to an artisan coffee shop so the she knows you’re cool. Choose wisely or you just might lose your potential coffee mate.