Many, if not most, of Tulane students, can attest to devouring a warm (or not so warm), cheesy, large slice of pizza made by the iconic Boot Pizza stand. Boot Pizza attracts customers from all shapes, sizes, and levels of intoxication. We went out and shot videos of students’ reactions to this Tulane delicacy during the later hours of Friday and Saturday night. Here are some of the raw uncut soundbites:
“Subpar at best.”
“Great pizza, when you’re a little not sober, and the cheese is a little melty like this, and all the oil and stuff is really good.”

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“Pizza could be good, has the potential, has the potential but for some reason it just tastes like UTTER S**T, like I took a s**t and I’m eating it, like WHY is it SO bad.”
“Boot Pizza is INCREDIBLE, cuz it has cheese and stuff.”
“It’s awesome, it’s a little greasy.”
“Last year was better.”
“Pretty good, I really can’t complain, 10/10 would recommend, deserves a good Yelp Review.”
“The pepperoni is pretty special here, it’s something I wouldn’t even know anywhere else, it’s just very special here.”

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“Three adjectives to describe boot pizza: filling, important, well put together.”
“One word: guilty.”
“I looove it.”
“When I am drunk, Boot Pizza is bomb… AS F**K”

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“You wanna know my opinion on boot pizza *cough cough* sorry, this year it’s I mean it’s pretty good, but last year, no this year is okay, last year was pretty good.”
“In one word I would say it’s saucy.”

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“I would take Bruff pizza any day, behind the silverware, near the milk, or under the salad bar, now I would take boot pizza at all of the above, or… the boot, only those places though.”
“Don’t f***ing film me f**k off.”

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“I am Abby and this is my first Boot Pizza. F**K ME, f**k me, that’s f*cking good.”
“Wow this is the best f***ing pizza I’ve ever had in my entire life.”
So, there you have it folks. It’s safe to say that all Tulane students’ lives would be in shambles without Boot Pizza. Or are our lives in shambles because of it…? You can be the judge of that.