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16 Ineffective Exercises You Should Never Do

Many people have difficulties understanding how certain exercises can be useless. After all, many personal trainers and other health professionals always say that any movement is better than none at all.

“But there is, very much so, such a thing as a worthless exercises and people should never do,” Bill Ross, NASM Certified Master Trainer, ACSM Certified Personal Trainer and founder of Bill Ross Fit, says. Certain movements, some of which are quite popular and you see people at the gym do them all the time, actually cause pain and injuries.

Pain, discomfort and improper form are good indications that an exercise might be “worthless” for someone, according to Joshua Holland, certified personal trainer and London 2012 Accredited Olympic Trainer. “Of course, there are many ways to ensure these things don’t happen. It’s always a good idea to check your form and stop an exercise if it is painful.”

Holland says that the most common mistakes people make are rushing through an exercise, doing far too many reps, not completing full range of motion, and not focusing on form or the muscles that are being worked on. All of these can make perfectly good drills useless, he adds.

Ross says he sees this every single day. “People just don’t want to listen,” he adds. “I try to give advice; they know me, but they saw something an YouTube and think it’s right.”

The result is sports injuries, which are not only physically unpleasant, but they also cause laziness and can lead to depression, according to several studies. And most fitness ailments can often be easily avoided if you know what not to do.



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“Crunches can be great if performed correctly, but many people have a weak core and tend to have pain in the neck and back when doing crunches,” Holland says. “Try a different variety of planks instead.”

Crunches focus only one group of muscles and don’t build the core they way planks do, Ross adds. Doing crunches on the floor puts too much pressure on your neck and lower back anyway. Know how to do a plank correctly.

Machines that limit full body movements


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“I tend to prefer functional training and perform exercises that allow me to perform full body compound movements,” Holland says. “So, I am inclined to stay away from machines that limit full body movements. Of course, there are exceptions when/if I want to isolate certain muscle groups and lift a bit heavier.”

Barbell overhead squat


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Squats are some of the best exercises ever,” Ross says, “but not when you add a 45 pds. Bar with weights on it.” This puts excess pressure on the shoulders and can easily lead to injuries, he adds. The knees are also hurt because the body is trying the balance all of the weight above it. “Nine out of 10 people don’t have the flexibility for it.”

Smith machine-based exercises


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“I don’t believe in the Smith machine,” Ross says. “It doesn’t allow a person to move in a natural way,” he adds. This restriction of movement is a recipe for injuries. Stick to traditional squats and you’ll be better off. It requires balance and strength, but the Smith machine messes with both and isolates a few muscles only.



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The Stairmaster is a good machine for those who can’t handle a lot of impact, or have certain movement limitations, Holland says. “But, for the most part, I usually avoid [it]. I prefer to get cardio in other, more effective ways.”

Leg extensions


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Leg extensions are another exercise Ross is not a fan off. It not only looks unfriendly – it is. It increases the chance of knee problems because it increases the force across the knee cap. The machine pulls your shins back as you lower the weight. Imbalances between the quads and hamstrings develop, which can lead to numerous knee troubles. The quads are supposed to work with other muscles, not in isolation.

Chest press using machine


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Any machine where you have to adjust the weight is not recommended, Ross says, because people don’t get the benefits of full range of motion. Studies have shown that the load on the muscle in the longer range of motion is actually greater even though people are lifting less weight. “On a chest press machine, you just push but don’t control anything,” Ross adds. “On a functional machine, with cables, you control the weight and the direction of motion.”

Finish this article on The Active Times.