
14 Vegan Apéritifs to Master Your French-Style Dinner

Going back home to France this summer made me realize how hard it is to be a vegan in a country that is so proud of its traditional cuisine, which involves a lot of butter, meat, and cheese. One of the things I do love about French cuisine traditions is that whenever we invite guests over we must have an "apéritif" (appetizers) before we actually start having dinner.

This apéritif consists of a variety of savory snacks, or amuse-bouche, accompanied by a big old glass of wine or beer. What I love about it, aside from the delicious pre-dinner food and alcohol, is that it has a very social aspect, which is another important facet to French dinners. Plus, that glass (or multiple glasses) of alcohol sets the mood for a variety of interesting conversations to be held during the night.

1. Hummus

This is a classic, but never gets old. It is best served with raw vegetable sticks (i.e. carrot, bell pepper, cucumber) to keep things nice and fresh before an indulgent meal.

2. Guacamole

I know, this is another classic, but there's a reason for that: it's delicious. Plus, it goes really well with tortilla chips.

3. Pretzel bites

These delicious pretzel bites would definitely be a winner at a dinner party.

4. Tzatziki

Although this recipe is a greek one, this tzatziki would be amazing with a fresh baguette. Oh, how I miss fresh French bread.

5. Focaccia

Focaccia is a delicious Italian recipe to make a salty, yet soft bread. I can't get enough of it. Slay the appetizer game with this recipe.

6. Carrot, courgette, and walnut rolls

Who ever said veganism was synonymous to restriction? These will up your apéritif game in quite a considerable way.

7. Courgette rolls

If you're feeling more adventurous and are looking to show off your cooking skills, definitely go for these beautiful courgette rolls. You can find the steps in the description box

8. Skewers

These colorful mango and cucumber skewers bring on the right amount of freshness and heat all at the same time. No recipe needed for this healthy snack. 

9. Cauliflower wings

This is an alternative to chicken wings that tastes incredible and will add a kick of spiciness to your apéritif. They may be less on the healthy side, but hey, everyone needs to indulge in some fatty foods every once in a while (or on a regular basis if you're like me).

10. Mini sweet potato burgers

These amazing sweet potato burgers don't only look like they are delicious, but are also adorable.

11. Cheesy chive biscuits

Moist, flaky vegan biscuits. That's all I'm going to say.

12. Tomato toasties

These will satisfy your cravings for something fresh and crunchy while being very flavorful. Omit the cheese in this recipe, and have them at your party in no time.

13. Roasted chickpeas

These roasted chickpeas will both surprise your guests and delight them. They're a great snacking alternative to your regular nut bowl.

14. Quiche tarts

Now these just scream fancy. They would impress pretty much any big chef out there, which makes them worth the extra effort.