
13 Snacks to Eat Between Rounds of Sorority Rush

'Tis the season for sorority rush, a time of stress and repeated conversations about yourself. As you travel from house to house, chatting with a variety of people wanting to know all about your summer and why you decided to rush, you're bound to get a hungry. You're already super stressed out by recruitment, so there's no reason to add eating to that, too. 

All you need is some quick snacks that you can carry around or buy whenever you have a break between rounds. While these snacks might not satisfy your craving for a real meal, it will hold you over until your night of recruitment is over. And, they won't make your breath smell or get stuff stuck in your teeth — a win-win for making an awesome impression. 

To avoid the hanger during sorority rush, make sure you pack these to make recruitment just a little bit easier.  

1. Yogurt 

Whether you like Greek yogurt or regular yogurt, this snack will give you that much-needed energy boost. If you're planning on bringing one from home, make sure to also pack an ice pack to keep it cool — you don't want to carry smelly, spoiled yogurt into a house. 

2. Pretzels 

Pretzels can be packed in almost any bag you plan on carrying with you to your day (or weeks) of recruitment. All you have to do is put a handful in a small Ziploc® bag and you're all set.

Bonus: You won't have to worry about this one spilling and staining your white pref-round dress.

3. Goldfish 

This quick and easy snack will help make your nights of sorority rush a little easier. I suggest bringing the entire bag with you, because you never know when you're going to want a handful (or two). Also, you'll probably quickly learn that extra snacks can help you make friends, and getting to know the other girls in rush is never a bad thing. #NoNewFriends does not apply.

4. Trail Mix 

Trail mix is the perfect snack to satisfy all your cravings and make your recruitment days a littler happier. Whether you want a mixture of nuts or you want to add some dried fruit and M&M's, it's all up to you. Plus, the protein in the nuts will help keep you full until you have time to change into your sweats and eat a real meal. 

5. Banana Chips 

This snack is the healthier version of potato chips. While they might not come in as many flavors, banana chips bring their own unique flavor that is hard to pass up. And unlike potato chips, you won't get greasy fingers.

6. Rice Cakes

Rice cakes have so many flavor options that it's hard not to keep them around for a snack. You can eat them plain or top them with a nut butter or jelly to add a little bit more flavor. Not to mention, they're super easy to take on-the-go, which makes them perfect for a snack in between recruitment rounds. Just pack them at the top of your bag or you'll end up with crushed up, broken cakes. 

7. Cheerios

You probably won't have the chance to eat cereal with milk, but plain Cheerios are just as good in a time of need (and have less mess potential). Throw some in a bag or a container and you'll be able to enjoy them as soon as your rush round ends. 

8. Granola Bars 

With the amount of granola bars out there, you'll have no problem finding something to satisfy your hunger. It's also easy to travel with more than one granola bar, so you can bring a couple of options for you and your friends. 

9. Crackers 

Crackers also come in a lot of different flavors. But just to be safe, I would stick with the original flavor so that you're breath doesn't end up smelling like sour cream and onion during the next round. 

Top your crackers with cubed cheese for a more filling and mess free snack. Again, just make sure to avoid the stinky kind of cheese; those around you will be thankful you did.

10. Cheese Itz 

These cheese crackers are sort of like goldfish, but not really. They're easy to transport and don't require much planning beforehand. Like almost every other snack on this list, just throw some in a small bag and off you go!

11. Almonds 

If you want to snack smart and healthy between your rounds, then this is the one for you. Almonds are full of protein, so they're great for keeping your hunger at bay until you can have a full meal. Plus, they'll give you an extra burst of energy to get you through the rest of your rounds. 

12. Chocolate 

Satisfying your sweet tooth during sorority rush is a must. It doesn't matter what kind of chocolate you like, just make sure to have some handy between the rounds. You're tired and moody, chocolate should bring you around.

Keep in mind, melted chocolate can get kind of messy. So if your campus is lacking in AC, you might want to pack these in a bag with an ice pack. Melted chocolate on your shirt is not a good look. 

13. Bananas 

Sorority rush takes up a lot of your time, but that doesn't mean you don't have time to eat healthy. Bring a banana with you and you'll be able to eat it in between your rounds. It will bring you some energy and get you ready for your next conversations. 

Sorority rush can be stressful, but you shouldn't have to stress about what to snack on in between each round. You want to be fueled, focused and ready to answer any question that's thrown your way, and these snacks will help you do just that. Unfortunately, they won't make the conversations any less awkward, but just a tip: You can always talk about food. Food is good. Everybody likes food.