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13 Reasons Women Take Birth Control Other Than Pregnancy Prevention

There have been several misconceptions as to why women take birth control. Some believe that its only purpose is to prevent pregnancy. However, there are more reasons why birth control is necessary.

According to the Center for Young Women’s Health, “women are frequently prescribed birth control pills for irregular or heavy menstrual periods, menstrual cramps, acne, PMS, Primary Ovarian Insufficiency, endometriosis and hormone replacement therapy.”

That is only a handful. There are several other factors that contribute to women taking birth control.

Here is a list of reasons why women take birth control:

(Majority of reasons on the list were founded at the Center for Young Women’s Health site.)

1. Regulation of Menstrual Periods:

Not every woman is fortunate to have a predictable period. Sometimes, due to hormone change, stress, lack of sleep, or any kind of change in the body, periods can be unforeseeable.

2. Treatment for Acne

Acne can be an issue, regardless of age. Typically, “[g]irls with acne that are not responding to simple measures are often prescribed birth control pills.” 

3. Treatment for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome 

PCOS “is a hormonal imbalance which causes irregular menstrual periods, acne, and excess hair growth. [B]irth control pills work by lowering certain hormone levels to regulate menstrual periods.”

4. Heavy Menstrual Periods

Heavy menstrual periods are common. They come with frustration, time, money and clean-up. Birth control can help to regulate menstrual periods to a more controllable means.

5. Lowered Risk for Some Cancers

Birth control has been shown to lower risks to colon, ovarian and endometrial cancers.

6. Hormone Replacement Therapy

Hormones are a tricky thing and constantly fall under an imbalance. That is why “girls whose ovaries are not producing enough estrogen (due to the effects of radiation or chemotherapy, a genetic condition such as Turner’s Syndrome, or stress) often take birth control pills to replace estrogen.”

7. Lack of Periods (Amenorrhea)

Lack of periods can be caused by low weight, excessive exercise, or can be caused by an eating disorder. It is important that the appropriate amount of weight is gained in order to have a healthy period. So, “birth control pills may be prescribed to replace estrogen, which helps to regulate the menstrual cycle.”

8. Decreased Menstrual Cramps

Sometimes over-the-counter medications, at home remedies, or any other solutions don’t quite cut it when it comes to severe cramps. That’s why “birth control pills may be the solution because they prevent ovulation and lighten periods.” 

9. Endometriosis

Endometriosis is a disorder when the tissue that normally lines the uterus, grows outside of the uterus instead. Endometriosis causes pain, discomfort and irregularities in the menstrual cycle. Those who have the disorder are “often prescribed birth control pills, in cycles of continuously, to suppress the condition,” by temporarily preventing periods.

10. Premenstrual Syndrome

Symptoms of PMS can vary amongst women. They can range from, “mood swings, breast soreness, weight gain and bloating.” Birth control can be prescribed to reduce these symptoms by “stop[ping] ovulation and keep hormone levels balanced.

11. Lowered Risk of Anemia

Anemia is a condition where blood doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells. Birth control can help lower the risk of anemia due to less bleeding during menstrual cycles.

12. Menstrual Migraines

“[Birth control] can stop menstrual migraines,” WebMD reported. “60% of women who get migraines associate the timing of them with their period.”

“Migraines can be triggered by a drop in estrogen, which occurs during menstruation,” Michael Thomas, MD, professor and director of reproductive endocrinology and fertility at the University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, said.

Birth control can help maintain hormones and keep them at a constant level.

13. Primary Ovarian Insufficiency (POI)

Primary Ovarian Insufficiency is when the ovaries do not produce the normal amounts of estrogen or release eggs regularly.

POI happens “because of radiation and/or chemotherapy or a genetic condition such as Turner Syndrome or other conditions. The goal of this treatment is to regulate the menstrual cycle and keep bones healthy.”

Buzzfeed asked 22 women why they take birth control. The answers varied amongst the women.

“Birth control keeps me from being in pain – and keeps my one remaining ovary healthy. When people say that BC is not medication, it makes me MAD at them and SAD for their daughters,” one woman said.

Another woman had shared, “I take birth control for my endometriosis, AKA literal hell.”

It’s important to understand the facts about birth control, in addition to all of the benefits that it provides. Birth control is used as a type of pregnancy prevention, but do not overlook the other uses it provides.

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