
11 Reasons Why Canned Wine Is the Perfect Summer Drink

As I fantasize about the upcoming summer months, I picture myself with two of my favorite things – a glass of wine and a good book – as I watch the sun set on the beaches of Aruba. Then, my fantasy is shattered by two horrifying realities: 1) I am broke, and 2) Wine glasses are not allowed on the beach.

There are two types of people in this world, and I am most definitely the kind of person who would solve this by simply pouring my wine into a plastic cup, popping in a straw, and calling it a day. However, there are people with more dignity than I in this world, so here I bestow a simple solution.

Wine in a can.

What? Wine in a can? Oh me oh my, can it be true? Yes. And to the horror of wine snobs everywhere I say, it’s not that bad. Actually, it’s pretty darn delicious. Here are a few reasons why canned wine should be your go-to refresher this summer.

1. Potent AND portable

Photo courtesy of @unionwinecompany on Instagram

Just like your favorite soda, canned wine pairs well with the great outdoors. The light and sleek design of the cans make them perfect for a beach outing or picnic, and they call for an easy cleanup afterward. No glasses, no washing, no mess – just throw ’em in the cooler and go!

2. Easy to open

Photo by Maddie Lanier

Sweet boozy freshness with the pop of a tab. No corkscrew needed!

3. Chills quickly

Photo by Maddie Lanier

Aluminum has higher thermal conductivity than glass, which basically means that cans will get cold quicker than bottles when put in a fridge. However, this (plus the fact that cans have thinner walls than bottles) also means that your drink will warm up faster in your hands. Using a beer koozie (like the ones listed here) is an easy fix for this.

4. Doesn’t taste like tin

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As explained by various winos in this LA Times article, most wine cans have a special lining that prevents the drink from touching the aluminum. Plus, even if the cans weren’t lined, the wine wouldn’t be acidic enough to wear down the aluminum. Wine snobs rejoice – the metallic taste is no more than myth.

5. Zero snobbery

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If you think carrying a wine glass around the family barbecue makes you look pretentious…well, you’re probably right. Canned wine, however, is discreet and inconspicuous, and guaranteed not to garner any unwanted comments from good ol’ Uncle Joe. And while cans may not be as tasteful as your traditional stemmed glass, at least you can finally drink your pinot in peace.

6. Perfect for singles

Photo courtesy of @flipflopwines on Instagram

Following the beauty of a boxed wine, canned wine is perfect for when you’re just feeling one glass of wine after a long day at work. You don’t have to open a whole bottle for yourself, and you can always grab another can if you need just one more. Plus, they’re perfect for single-serving sangria recipes like this one.

7. Or for sharing

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4 wine cans = 1 bottle.

8. Double the drinkage

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Chilled white wine is just as refreshing as beer on a hot day, but it’s about three times as alcoholic. Plus, most wine cans contain two glasses worth of wine. You do the math.

9. Eco-friendly

Photo by Maddie Lanier

Aluminum cans can be recycled, and in the long run, are better for the environment than bottles. According to this article on The Foodery, cans contain about 40% recycled aluminum while bottles contain less than 27% reused glass. Also, cans can be packed tightly together when shipped, which means less greenhouse gases are emitted during the shipping process.

10. Variety of flavors to choose from

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From Flip Flop’s fun fizzes to Underwood’s perky pinots, the selection of canned wines out there is pretty great. However, they are admittedly on the light and sweet side, meaning you probably won’t find many canned reds out there.

11. Available in a store near you!

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At first, I didn’t know where to buy canned wine (it’s in the regular wine aisle, usually with the boxed wine, FYI), but I soon found that most grocery stores have a pretty good selection. So, grab a 4-pack the next time you’re feeling adventurous!

Looking for ways to use your new wine cans? Check out these summer drink recipes: