
11 Blender Uses That Aren't Just Making Smoothies

Blenders are an amazing kitchen tool that can whirl up just about anything in seconds, not just smoothies. This multi-use accessory has so many uses such as making soups, desserts, and even specialty drinks. In the words of a young Miley Cyrus, "it can't be tamed," so don't limit your blender uses.

But before you can use your blender, you have to decide you want to buy a blender that does all these super cool things, and my recommendation is the Vitamix. I can truthfully say that the Vitamix blender has won my heart from its ability to whip up hundreds of recipes ranging from soup to hot chocolate. Although it comes with a hefty price tag, there's a lot that comes with this amazing blender.

Vitamix warranties range from 5-10 years, absolutely free. So, if any damages occur, Vitamix has you completely covered. It has a long-lasting motor and its overall build is durable so you can forget about constantly having to buy the same terrible blender that consistently breaks. (Vitamix also contains an online quiz to help you choose the blender of your dreams from the many models they have.) And now, for everything you can make with your new blender. 

1. Non-Dairy Milk

Almond milk is the perfect dairy alternative that can be made by using a blender. This drink can be used over cereal, in coffee, and on its own. The almonds are soaked overnight and blended with water to create this tasty drink. In literal seconds, you just saved yourself a trip to the store. 

2. Salad Dressing 

Many dressings or sauces can be whipped up with your blender in no time. Just wait as little as six seconds for a delicious dressing rather than having to clean a dozen plates. 

3. Pies

The ingredients in any pie recipe can be blended together which saves you time and work. No more cleaning what feels like hundreds of bowls for mixing. Now you just have to clean your blender! 

4. Dough

A blender that can actually make dough is all we knead right now. Homemade pizza seems like such a time-consuming endeavor but with just  a blender, it becomes so easy. Get ready to make pizza at 3 am, because now you can!

5. Dips 

What better way to gather up your friends by exclaiming you made salsa in your blender? The blade inside the blender is not only for slicing through fruit for your morning smoothies but can also be used for slicing through your tomatoes for any type of salsa.

6. Batter

Pancake batter, cake batter, or even scone batter can be made into a desirable consistency by using the blender. The blades on the blender save you energy by not using a hand-mixer and save money from buying a huge machine mixer. Having a blender makes this whole process a lot easier.

7. Energy Balls

Get ready to start your day with energy balls all made by a blender. You too can be fancy and whip up this power boost to get through those long Mondays. Any ingredient can be easily cut through and can be fun without thinking of the cleanup you have to do later. 

8. Creamy Soups

Instead of going out, you can make your own warm soup with your trusted blender. The soup can also be heated inside the Vitamix due to motor power, creating the easiest way to have hot soup in seconds. 

9. No-Nut Butter/ Nut Butter

No-nut butter and nut butter can be easily recreated for a healthy snack all made at home. The blender has enough motor power to slice through the ingredients to give a rich creamy consistency. 

10. Hot Chocolate

Not only does this blender (the Vitamix) make it easier to stir up the chocolate without the use of pans, it doesn't need a stove either. The blender heats up the liquid chocolate and can be served hot directly from the blender.

11. Whipped Cream

What makes everything just a little better? Whipped cream. There's just something about milk and sugar that makes people want it. When it only takes 20 seconds to make, who could blame them? 

Final Thoughts

A blender saves you time, frustration, and energy because no one has time to actually wash plates. With many recipes to choose from, I hope your blender becomes your best friend (not in a weird way). Plus you can brag to everyone that you made pizza dough using your blender. Yeah sure, you'll be THAT friend, but hey, you'll have pizza dough.

The clean up is also super simple by just adding water, dish soap and turning on the blender for 10 seconds. Ta-da, you have yourself a clean blender. It's that easy.