
10 Ways to Stay in Shape This Summer Without Going to the Gym

I love the gym and the thought of being without it for six weeks while studying abroad in Spain left me a little panicked. Luckily, I have found some awesome tricks to stay fit this summer. Whether you are traveling, trying to save money, or just do not like the gym, I’ve come up with a few tips and ideas to help you still totally rock the fitness game.

1. Swimming

Photo courtesy of @vmhuong on Instagram

If you are lucky to be near a pool or the ocean, swimming is great cardio with the added benefit of being able to cool down from the summer heat. Plus, who doesn’t want to rock that cute bikini while getting in better shape?

2. Ab Exercises

Photo courtesy of @ourfitfamilylife on Instagram

The great thing about ab exercises is that there are so many options. You can pick from plank, bicycle crunches, scissor kicks, mountain climbers, leg raises and so much more. I personally love to start my day by doing a few of my favorites. I feel my best when I have a strong core so maintaining my abdominal muscles abroad is a necessity.

3. Running

Photo courtesy of @nikerunning on Instagram

No matter where you are, running is a good form of cardio as well as a great way to de-stress.

#SpoonTip: If you are traveling, running is a great way to exercise while also exploring a new place.

4. Yoga

Photo courtesy of @joaovictor.mbt on Instagram

Yoga is a perfect way to both relax and help you feel great. Luckily it just requires your body. Whether you want to practice warrior in the park or downward dog in your room, yoga is a versatile activity that can allow you to improve your strength and flexibility.

5. Squats

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I am a huge fan of squats. Squats are an awesome way to improve your glute muscles which, I don’t know about you all but is a huge bonus to me. I have found that doing squats every other day gives me the best results. Not to mention there are so many different squat challenges out there, summer is a great time to try one.

#SpoonTip: For an added twist try jump squats or holding a squat in place for a minute.

6. Biking

Photo courtesy of @eolsen813 on Instagram

Biking is a great exercise as well as an eco-friendly way to get around. Whether you need to get to your summer job or just want to explore a new city, biking is an awesome way to improve your leg muscles and get from point a to point b.

7. Jump Rope

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Whether you want to feel like a kid again or are looking for a fun way to do cardio, jump rope is a great workout. Go to park for some fresh air or blast some music in your house and start jumping. Pick an ultimate goal and then challenge yourself to do jump rope for longer increments until you reach it. You can easily pack a jump rope so this makes it a great option for when you are traveling.

8. Push-Ups

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Push-ups are a great way to strengthen your core and arms. Although they might first be intimidating, once you get the hang of them, they are an awesome full body workout that you can do nearly anywhere.

#SpoonTip: Start with a minimal amount and try to increase it by 5 every week. You can also start by doing them on your knees or even against a wall. BTW don’t EVER let anyone tell you that girls can’t do push ups.

9.  Walking

Photo courtesy @yulianadementyeva on Instagram

The easiest workout to incorporate into your day is walking and it has a TON of health benefits. While in Spain and I have been walking EVERYWHERE. As a result, I have been walking over 8 miles a day. For an added benefit take the stairs instead of the elevator.

#SpoonTip: To make walking more fun track how much you walk with either an iPhone or Fitbit and then compete with friends and family to see who walks the most.

10. Dancing

Photo courtesy of

Whether it is at a club or a solo dance party in your room, dancing is a fun way to burn some extra calories. Remember, summer is a time to be free and enjoy yourself.

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