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10 Things You Didn’t Know About Smirnoff

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Georgetown chapter.

Whether you’re mixing, Icing, or taking it straight, there’s no wrong way to consume Smirnoff. More top-shelf than Burnett’s but still reasonably priced, this vodka is fairly common among college students who want something stronger than Natty, but also don’t feel like risking their lives with Everclear, vodka’s badass older sister.

Whether you’re an expert or a Smirnoff novice, these facts will make you seem like a pro. But maybe don’t whip them out at pre-games, because why talk about Smirnoff when you could drink it?

1. It’s James Bond’s favorite drink


Photo courtesy of jamesbondlifestyle.com

Bond’s preference for the drink was first shown in the 1962 film Dr. No, and the somewhat in-your-face product placement has been present ever since. If you want to drink 007-style, be sure to pick up your very own special-edition Quantum of Solace shaker.

2. It revolutionized the martini


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More on that James Bond stuff: His “shaken, not stirred martini” kickstarted a huge shift from the gin-based martini to the vodka-based martini. Cheers to you, Mr. Bond.

3. Its manufacturers have research agreements with prestigious universities worldwide


Photo by Jessica Payne

You can thank them for the Baileys in your coffee, as chemical research led to the ability to stabilize the mixing of cream and alcohol to produce liqueurs. Try your hand making it with this recipe (thank you, science).

4. You can cure its after-effects with ice cream


Photo courtesy of @naraepark on Instagram

You heard that right. Cure the nasty day-after effects with this grapefruit-flavored ice cream, developed in South Korea (US, catch up please).

5. It can be gluten-free


Photo by Robert Wherli

Vodka itself is naturally gluten-free, but artificial sugars tend to bring trace amounts into your shot. Swap your usual bottle for Smirnoff Sourced, which is naturally sweetened with fruit juice to get a GF, reduced-sugar (read: reduced-hangover) cocktail.

6. It became popular by bribing the clergy


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“Charitable contributions” by Smirnoff manufacturers in the 1800s made the clergy change its mind on the evils of the drink and stop its public anti-Smirnoff sermons. Sales massively increased, proving that a little bit of bribery pays off every now and then.

7. Its “Twisted Tea Partay” commercials are actually pretty hilarious


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If this preppy-boy-rap commercial doesn’t make you want to drink some spiked tea, nothing will.

8. It’s beaten more expensive vodkas in blind taste tests


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The New York Times labeled it as the “hands-down favorite” in a blind taste test of 21 premium vodkas. At less than $20 a bottle? Pour a double, please.

9. It’s not actually in Smirnoff Ice


Photo courtesy of @sunny_291050 on Instagram

Uh… what? Yup, there’s actually no vodka in the popular spinoff. Because it’s brewed, it’s actually more similar to beer.

10. It started a viral drinking game


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Ever been Iced? So have Ric Flair, Coolio, Sky Ferreira, and (almost) Ashton Kutcher.