
7 Stages of Giving Up Sweets for Lent, As Told by Cam from Modern Family

It’s that time of year again: Lent is upon us. Now that I’m twenty years old, giving up broccoli (a childhood favorite) is no longer going to cut it. But cutting out sweets? Now that’s a challenge. So whether you’re actually Catholic or just jumping on the bandwagon, Cameron from Modern Family is struggling right there with you.

1. The Binge

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It’s Fat Tuesday; eat everything. There are only so many hours left in the day and you don’t know when your next candy bar will be. Diet when you’re dead, right?

2. The Optimism

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It may be your 8th year in a row trying to give up desserts, but this is your year. You can’t wait to get rid of every sweet in sight!

3. The Withdrawal

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After years of stress eating, the absence of sugar is taking its tole. What else are you supposed to eat after your Orgo test? A rice cake?

4. The Denial

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If you don’t say the word “dessert” out loud, that means it isn’t real. They don’t exist if you ignore them, right?

5. The Anger

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You’re tired and you’re hangry. How is Easter still so far away? Anyone who even thinks about dessert in front of you will feel your wrath.

6. The Pride

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“No! I don’t want a chocolate bar!” you scream at a vending machine in your dorm. “Who do you think I am, a peasant?”

7. The Victory

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Finally, Easter has arrived and you can eat your weight in chocolate eggs. No one thought you could do it, but you showed them wrong. Join Cam in a victory dance.

Still struggling to satisfy that sweet tooth during Lent? Check out these articles: