
10 Simple Food Swaps to Get Your Body Ready for Bikini Season

It’s that time of year again. Everyone is scrambling to get beach ready for spring break. On a college campus, its so easy to stumble home at 2 am and order those extra large two for one pizzas. Well, doing this in moderation and making these food swaps can help you cut back on calories and slim down fast before spring break.

1. Fried Chicken for Grilled Chicken

Photo courtesy of

Grilled Chicken has a much lower fat content than chicken fingers. Grilled chicken is more natural and contains fewer carbohydrates.

2. Pineapple for Raspberries

Photo by Lauryn Lahr

 Some fruits are actually not that good for you? I know, WTF. Raspberries are among the healthiest fruit you can eat. Whereas fruit like pineapple is very high in sugar, raspberries have low sugar content and are packed with fiber to keep you satisfied longer. For more information click here.

3. Coffee for Tea

Photo by Jessica Payne

Although most people can’t resist a cappuccino in the morning, calorie and sugar in coffee can add up fast. Next time you’re grabbing something warm to sip in class, try green tea. Green tea contains many antioxidants that can help detox your body and speed up your metabolism.

4. Iceberg Lettuce for Spinach 

Photo by Neelima Agrawa

I know spinach can seem like eating grass, but spinach is known to contain much more nutritional value than romaine and iceberg lettuce. It contains much more iron and protein, which will keep you full for longer.

5. White Bread for Whole Wheat Bread

Photo by Lauryn Lahr

Whole wheat bread contains 2/3 the calories of white bread as well as 2/3 the amount of carbs. Thats 2/3 the love handles when you’re slipping into your bikini and hitting the beach.

6. Ice Cream for Frozen Yogurt

Photo by Devon Carlson

When you can’t resist after-dinner cravings, froyo is the option for you. Froyo not only contains less calories than ice cream, but averages 1/3 the amount of carbs, ½ the amount of saturated fat, and less sugar overall.

7. Ramen for Soup

Photo by Lauryn Lahr

Although college students love to chose Ramen and consider it a nutritious “meal”, Ramen is packed full of 875 mg of sodium and has no natural health benefits. Instead, try swapping out ramen for soup filled with vegetables and lower sodium.

8. Milk Chocolate for Dark Chocolate

Photo by Lauryn Lahr

Need a study snack? Dark chocolate has more natural cocoa and nutritional value that can actually be good for you.

9. Croutons for Almonds

Photo by Davana Bolton

While croutons may have less calories, that does not make them better for you. Croutons are filled with 209mg of sodium and 3.6g proteins per cup. Almonds contain only 1 mg of sodium and 20g fiber. Not only is this healthier, but it will keep you full longer.

10. Cereal for Oatmeal

Photo by Lauryn Lahr

Although cereal comes in what seems like infinity flavors, cereals like Raisin Bran and Fruit Loops contain much higher amounts of sodium than plain oatmeal. It’s easy to have calories add up fast with added milk in your sugary cereal. Stick with plain oatmeal with more protein, lower sodium and added sugar content, adding minimal milk and other toppings as needed.

Try these simple swaps to help you get that spring break body you’ve dreamed of. For more information on food comparisons, click here.

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