
10 Reasons Peppermint is Better than Pumpkin Spice 

Starbucks has brought in the new rotation of cups. You will see bright red, festive paper cups in the hands of students as they journey through campus. No more drab white. The holiday cups seem to bring a new wind of joy as we sip on our coffee.

Because Starbucks rules all, and is signaling the transition into the winter holiday season, it must be time for peppermint, the queen of all flavors.

Here are 10 reasons why peppermint trumps pumpkin spice on any, and every occasion.

1. Two words: Peppermint Bark

Photo By Kathryn Stouffer

2. We all scream for ice cream! Peppermint & Mint Chocolate Chip, to be exact.

Photo By Kathryn Stouffer

3. Peppermint is richer in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. You need all the vitamin C you can get as cold season is thrown upon us.

4. Peppermint has half as many calories as pumpkin pie spice.

5. When was the last time someone offered you a piece of pumpkin gum? Or a “pumpkin mint?” Never. We are all about fresh breath.

Photo By Kathryn Stouffer

6. You can carry peppermints around, but who wants to carry a jar of pumpkin spice? That’s just weird.

7. York mint patties > pumpkin and chocolate candy (Does that even exist? I hope not.)

8. Girl scouts endorse thin MINTS, but no pumpkin cookies have hit the market. All hail the Girl Scouts.

9. Drink a peppermint mocha, peppermint tea or mint water! Gourmet and versatile. Secret: Easy Starbucks hack for the lazy and broke: hot cocoa packet + coffee + 1-2 peppermints.

Photo By Kathryn Stouffer

10. Endless shapes and sizes: candy canes, peppermints, marshmallow, candy cane candy corn, peppermint oil … you name it, peppermint has it.

Photo By Kathryn Stouffer

So, say goodbye to the PSLs and the pumpkin pie Hershey’s kisses (gross). Peppermint is where it’s at this season.