You finally make the trek to Whole Foods and load your basket up with all the good stuff—berries, veggies, yogurt, and other healthy dorm snacks. Your fridge is stocked and your stomach is finally full. You did it.
Flash forward one week. Almost all the groceries you bought are close to expiring (if they haven’t already) and you find yourself eating 3-4 bananas a day to keep from wasting anymore food.
Eating healthy is hard work, especially when you don’t have time to clean out your fridge and make multiple grocery runs every month. But fear not, healthy snacking is still possible. Here are 10 healthy dorm snacks that don’t need to be refrigerated and have expiration dates longer than your Netflix queue.
1. Beef Jerky
With a lower amount of sugar than turkey jerky, beef jerky is a great high protein and low-carb snack. THINK jerky is the perfect way to get your beef jerky fix. The brand provides a variety of tasty flavors that are packed with protein and other nutrients, such as iron and zinc, which are both essential minerals that help boost your body’s immune system.
2. Lärabars
One of my personal favorites, Lärabars make for a great under 200 calorie snack. Minimally processed, most flavors are made with only 3-6 ingredients, which makes them a great option for people who prefer less processed snacks. Although each flavor varies in exact nutrition facts, Lärabars are packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients such as fiber, calcium, iron, potassium, and Vitamin C.
3. Roasted Seaweed

Low-carb and low-calorie, roasted seaweed is another one of my go-to snack foods. Not only do most brands of roasted seaweed only contain 30-50 calories per package, but seaweed is also a superfood. High in iodine, omega 3, vitamin B12, magnesium, iron, zinc, and antioxidants, seaweed is believed to help prevent chronic diseases such as cancer and digestive problems.
4. Almonds
A snacking staple, almonds are the perfect food to eat on the go. Whether it’s on the way to the library or after a hard workout, almonds are a great source of protein and fiber. They are also extensively beneficial for heart health due to their high levels of vitamin E and magnesium.
5. Popcorn
Brands of pre-popped popcorn like BoomChickaPop and Skinny Pop are the solution to mindless snacking. With only 39-70 calories per cup, it’s the perfect snack to pair with binge-watching Netflix or shamelessly stalking everyone you know on Facebook.
6. Rice Rolls or Cakes
Slightly underrated, both rice rolls and rice cakes are a solid low-calorie and low-carb snack. Made from whole grain brown rice, they are great for curbing your appetite—despite only having 35-50 calories per serving. Some flavors are also lightly coated with caramel to satisfy your sweet tooth.
7. Dark Chocolate Coated Coconut Chips
Maui & Sons Dark Chocolate Coated Coconut Chips are by far my favorite go-to snack when I’m craving something sweet. Available on Amazon Prime, each serving is only 90 calories and contains seven grams of sugar. Both gluten and GMO-free, this lightly processed snack also only contains seven ingredients.
8. Emmy’s Coconut Cookies
Another option for satisfying a sugar craving, these coconut cookies made by Emmy’s Organics are delicious. Not only are they gluten-free, vegan, and organic, they also only have six grams of sugar each.
9. Chia Squeeze by Mamma Chia
These organic chia squeeze packets by Mamma Chia are a great way to get your chia seed fix with minimal effort. A known superfood, chia seeds are rich in fiber, omega-3, calcium, iron, and antioxidants. Available in various flavors, these squeezable packets are only 70 calories each and contain 1200 mg of Omega-3.
10. Veggie Straws
For people who prefer salty snacks, veggie straws are a great option for satisfying your savory cravings. Gluten-free and only 130 calories per bag, this snack is perfect for when you are on the go or just “doing homework” in your room.
Who knew healthy eating could be so easy? Happy (refrigerator-free) snacking!