
10 Eugene Brands You Need to Try

From dairy to chocolate, Eugene has a large variety of local brands just a few miles from campus. Whether you are focused on supporting the local economy or just prefer your food insanely fresh, there are plenty of resources available in our own city.

1. Nancy’s Yogurt

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One of the most popular brands coming out of Eugene, Nancy’s Yogurt is made by Springfield Creamery and distributed on a national scale. You can find the products at almost any grocery store in the city and also in many of the University of Oregon’s dining halls.


2. Glory Bee Foods

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Glory Bee has a wide assortment of products derived from honeybees such as their well-known honey stix, bulk honey, aromatherapy, bath and body care. They also sell what they call “hive supplements” which are essentially various bee products that contain quite a few health benefits.

3. Coconut Bliss

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Also, a nationally recognized company that is found in all 50 states, Coconut Bliss delivers high quality (and very tasty) non-dairy frozen treats. They also pride themselves on sustainable coconut farming practices and low-energy production at their facilities. With fun flavors like Mint Galactica and Salted Caramel Chocolate, Coconut Bliss is definitely a brand worth checking out.

4. Blue Lotus Chai

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I initially stumbled across Blue Lotus Chai when shopping at Market of Choice, trying to find an alternative to the dorm’s inconsistent tasting chai lattes. The company has various different flavors of chai powders, all inspired by the traditional teas the founders tasted on their pilgrimage to India. It has been well over a year since I bought my first Blue Lotus Masala Chai blend and after making countless amounts of drinks, I still haven’t run out. If you are an ardent tea lover, Blue Lotus Chai is definitely a staple for your pantry.

5. Mountain Rose Herbs

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Mountain Rose Herbs is another local brand that also creates a large variety of signature tea blends that are organic and GMO-free. Additionally, the company sells an assortment of other products such as herbs, spices, home goods, cooking ingredients and bath and body essentials.

6. Toby’s Family Foods

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Starting by selling their food at the Saturday Market, Toby’s Family Foods specializes in tofu spreads, dips and salad dressings. Additionally, their sister company, Genesis Organic Juice makes a variety of delicious juices that are all organic, GMO-free and does not use high-fructose corn syrup or added colors. Genesis Organic Juices are also conveniently available in the dining halls.

7. Euphoria Chocolate Co

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Euphoria Chocolate Co is another nationally recognized local brand that has been serving chocolate enthusiasts since 1980. With an assortment of hand crafted chocolates, truffles, and other treats, the company stands out with unique flavors such as their various wine and stout beer truffles.

8. Sipping Dreams

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Yet another brand for local’s with a sweet tooth, Sipping Dreams sells quality bar chocolate not for eating, but for drinking. “Drinking chocolate” is a European style drink that differs from hot cocoa in that it is made from bar chocolate rather than powder. Commonly served on the daily in Spain, drinking chocolate is thick, rich and commonly served with churros.


9. Carmen’s Chips

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If you’re looking for a snack that is made with minimal ingredients, Carmen’s Chips is a local brand that makes quality tortilla chips. Made with only masa, oil, and water, these tortilla chips come fresh and in a salted and non-salted version.

10. So Delicious

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So Delicious is a brand that has a variety of dairy-free treats that are made from soy, cashews, coconut or almond milk. Their products range from milk beverages, yogurts and a large selection of dairy-free frozen desserts that definitely earn their name of being so delicious.


So next time when you’re out and about, go try these local Eugene brands. They will blow your mind with freshness, and deliciousness these local brands have to offer.

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