When you’re looking through your Instagram feed before breakfast and all you see is #foodporn, it’s impossible not to crave a milkshake or a slice of ‘za. But if you find yourself returning to the same irresistible cravings day after day, there may be a bigger nutritional deficiency at play. Read on for five common cravings and the minerals your body may be lacking.
1. Chocolate and Magnesium

Photo by Emmy Daniels
If you’re like me and can’t drink your morning coffee without a square of 70% cacao on hand, your body might be lacking magnesium, a macromineral found in fresh fruits, nuts, and legumes. To get your fill, try an açaí bowl topped with bananas and nuts. And then maybe a square of chocolate anyway.
2. Bread and Nitrogen

Photo by Emmy Daniels
If you crave bread, you could be low in nitrogen. Instead of toast, reach for some trail mix – nuts fill you up for longer, and their nutritional density gives you more of a bang for your (calorie) buck than bread ever could.
3. Sweets and Chromium

Photo by Emmy Daniels
If you struggle with sugar cravings, you’re not alone. Sugar has been scientifically compared to cocaine in terms of its addictive qualities, and can be found in all sorts processed foods, hidden by names like cane syrup, fructose, and molasses. If you’re always craving sweets, your body may be lacking chromium, a mineral found in foods like broccoli, cheese, and grapes.
So next time you’re dying for some sugar, forget the candy – pour yourself a glass of wine, and snack on some grapes and cheese instead.
4. Carbonated Drinks and Calcium

Photo by Emmy Daniels
Feel like you can’t kick your La Croix addiction? A calcium deficiency may be the cause. Calcium, a nutrient found in greens like kale and broccoli, is a macromineral essential to your health. If you’re on your sixth can of the day, do your teeth a favor and make yourself a kale smoothie instead.
5. Recreational Drugs and Avenin

Photo by Emmy Daniels
Just to preface this section: if you’re struggling with overwhelming drug and alcohol cravings, you should 100% ignore this list and see a doctor.
But if you just find yourself packing a bowl more often than usual, you may be lacking avenin – a protein similar to gluten found in things like granola and rolled oats. Next time you’re hit with the cravings for a casual drink or smoke, try packing a bowl of oatmeal instead. I’m sure everyone at the party will appreciate it.