Since both Wawa and coffee are integral parts of the Penn experience, I think it’s only fair that we talk about Wawa’s coffee options. While you wouldn’t make Wawa a destination over Starbucks or United By Blue, if you find yourself needing a convenient, quick caffeine fix, you definitely shouldn’t write off Wawa. Here’s the quick guide that you never knew you needed.
The Base
Wawa offers 8 roasts that you can serve yourself: regular, decaf, Colombian, Kona Blend, French Vanilla, Dark Roast, Hazelnut and Pumpkin Spice. The cool thing about the self-serve dispensers is that you can mix up the amount and type of coffee going into your cup. You’ll only get charged for the size of the cup!

Photo by Laura Szerer
The Machine
Wawa has a latte machine similar to what you might find at a lesser convenience store. I obviously won’t recommend choosing a Vanilla latte made by a machine over one made by a barista, but if you mix a few flavors from the machine together, you can end up with a nice brew. Try mixing half a cup of hot chocolate with half a cup of the Pumpkin Spice coffee, and you’ve got a cheap, low-calorie version of a Pumpkin Mocha latte!
The Touch Screen
In a slightly higher league than the latte machine are the lattes that you can order on the touch screen. The options here range from a white chocolate latte to caramel hot chocolate to mocha macchiatos – and they are actually pretty decadent and tasty. The whipped cream and chocolate syrup topping don’t hurt either.