Seasons shmeasons. PSA to all you eatarmers’ market newbies: farmers’ markets exist all year round. Yes that’s right. You can (and should) attend your local farmers’ market during any (and EVERY) season. Fall. Winter. Spring. Summer. A first hand farm-to-table experience.

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The season should never dissuade you from finding some of the best and freshest produce available. Different types of produce peak in different seasons, so there is always something fresh to find. Plus, what kind of person can pass up free samples? That’s right. Not you.

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Farmers’ markets are where fresh produce, free samples, and the great outdoors get married. So here’s to broadening your food horizons, farmers’ market style.

Photo by Kimberly Chang-Haines
Every season provides for some incredible and fresh fruits and veggies. Fresh produce has also been shown to be an essential component of a healthy diet (duh). The more colorful, the better. And who knows, you might also learn something along the way.

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Farmers’ markets are also a great way to support local farmers and small business owners. In the process, you have the added benefit of enhancing the local economy too. Did I mention there are free samples?

Photo by Kimberly Chang-Haines
Stanford has a local farmers’ market on California Avenue every. Single. Sunday. It is only about a 10 minute bike ride off campus. Friends that religiously head down El Camino every Sunday rave about it. And, cough cough, there are…FREE SAMPLES.

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Going to a farmers’ market is also a great excuse to get off campus for a couple of hours and surround yourself with people who are happy and happy about food. Some of the yummiest produce you’ll find in the now are arugula, grapefruit, radishes, and oranges. (P.S. You can sample them all.)

Photo by Kimberly Chang-Haines
Cara Cara oranges are a good way to mix up the usual navels, plus they’re pink and pretty. So try some of those if you get a chance. April is also a fabulous month for raspberries and strawberries.

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So take an hour (or longer) and head down to the farmers’ market. You can thank me later.
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