Red wine is one of the most refreshing, classy, and beloved drinks, but also one of the most dangerous. Get a little tipsy with a glass full of red wine, and you’ll see what I mean. One trip and your white carpet will quickly transform into a scene reminiscent of The Shining. Especially with a security deposit on the line, red wine stains are no joke.

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If that bottle of Cabernet, or deadly box of Franzia got the best of you (again) last night, don’t worry. While a fast fix for your painfully sharp red wine hangover has yet to be discovered, an easy and painless fix for your carpet — and whatever else drunk-you managed to stain — has been found. Here’s what to do.

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1. Try to act as quickly as possible

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I know, moving fast while tipsy sounds next to impossible, but put on your grown-up pants and pop an Advil; it’s time to get down to business.
2. Blot the stain, rather than wiping

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If the stain is fresh, be sure to blot it with paper towels. Do not to wipe at the stain, as this can rub it deeper into the fabric.
3. If the stain just happened or is still wet, pour salt over it

Photo by Bobbi Lin
Using salt to remove red wine is perhaps the most traditional way, and many people swear by it. Since salt is a common household item, even college kids will have it (#winning).
Put a thick layer of salt over the stain, completely covering it, and let it sit for an hour. For this to be effective, you need to work fast (under 5 minutes).
4. If the stain has already soaked in or has dried, pour on dish soap and hydrogen peroxide

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A mixture of 1 part dish soap and 1 part hydrogen peroxide helps lift the stain out of the fabric and break up the wine to remove the red color. Pour the mixture on, come back in 30 minutes or so, and keep pouring more on the stain until the red wine color disappears. No need to scrub until your arm is sore. It’s cheap and there’s no hard work required? I’m sold.
Once that stain is removed, it’s time for more wine (wine infused coffee, anyone?). If you need more excuses to pop open that cork, here are 25 of them.