
Surprise Your Party Guests With This Watermelon Cake

Parties are an excellent time to hang out with friends and family and eat delicious food. But often times, the foods at parties are highly unhealthy ones. This is especially true of the desserts. And as an individual with a pretty big sweet tooth, I've always wished there was a healthier option that was just as exciting and enjoyable as everything else. Then I discovered...the watermelon cake.

Not only is this cake possibly one of the healthiest cakes you can have, it is absolutely delicious. Made of just watermelon on the inside, you can decorate it with whatever you want on the outside. That is exactly the best part! You can decorate it to look just like any old cake, which makes for the most hilarious party surprise. When you show up to a party with a watermelon cake, you can have everyone thinking it's just another cake until they cut into it. That's when the hilarious secret is revealed!

How to Make a Watermelon Cake

Step 1: Prepare the cake decorations

You can decorate a watermelon cake with anything you'd like. I feel fruits go well with the theme of the cake so I decided to decorate mine with thin slices of strawberry and kiwi. Some other great topping and decoration ideas include: blueberries, raspberries, starfruit slices, pineapple slices, chocolate shavings, coconut flakes, and sprinkles, just to name a few. You'll also need some 'glue' to cover your cake and hold your decorations onto the watermelon base. Traditional cakes often use icing to achieve this effect, which can definitely be done with a watermelon cake. However, in keeping with the light and healthier theme of my watermelon cake, I decided to use Cool Whip. Just make sure to defrost your Cool Whip so that it can easily spread.

Step 2: Cut Your Watermelon

Next, you'll want to cut your watermelon into the shape of a cake. First cut off both ends of the watermelon. Then, reposition the watermelon with one cut onto your cutting board, and the other facing up, as shown in the image below.

Then, using your sharp knife, begin cutting slices down into the watermelon, just enough to remove the green and white outer layers of the watermelon, as shown below.

Continue slicing until the red inner portion of the watermelon is fully revealed. Next, you'll want to make adjustments. There is about a 1,000,000% chance that your first cuts will leave some jagged edges. Use your knife to cut the edges off and achieve a smooth, cylindrical look.

Step 3: Cover with Cool Whip

The great thing about any cake is that you can cover any little cutting mistakes with icing, or Cool Whip, in this case. Start by patting your watermelon cake down with paper towels to slightly dry the exposed watermelon. This is an important step to make sure your Cool Whip sticks to your watermelon. Then, place your cut watermelon onto a serving plate and use your defrosted Cool Whip to cover the surface of your cake. The way you move your spatula while spreading can achieve different looks. One of the easiest ways to make your watermelon cake look aesthetically pleasing is to use an upward stroke with your spatula from the bottom of the cake to the top. This is the technique I used for my watermelon cake.

Step 4: Decorate Your Cake

Now is the fun part. Decorate your cake with your pre-prepared toppings. This can be done any way you'd like. An easy way to decorate is to add some of your decorations to both the bottom and top of the cake in different patterns, as pictured below.

Step 5: Enjoy!

Your Watermelon Cake is complete! Now all that's left is to take this to your next event or party and have you or an unaware party-goer make the first slice while everyone is watching. It is sure to be a silly and delicious surprise.