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Soothe Your Sunburn with These 4 Foods

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at Texas chapter.

There are multiple stages of sunburn.

One moment you’re skin-exposed, dancing in the sunshine, and hoping the heat bakes your skin into a golden tan. The next moment you are burnt red and throwing curses at the yellow guy in the sky. After a good attempt to convince yourself this burning skin isn’t your fault, you secretly admit you could have used a little more sunscreen. But heck, who uses over 5 SPF these days? So, you search your dorm or apartment only to realize there is no aloe vera in sight. You start to regret that time you refused to buy it because you thought it would be a waste of money.

But have no fear! Turn your bright red body towards the kitchen. There you will find four simple, fast cures that will thwart the peeling and aid in healing your red skin.

Sunburn Cures

Photo by Kelly Redfield


Although these starchy vegetables have a bad rap in the diet world, when it comes to relieving sunburns, potatoes are a kitchen must-have. The juice of a potato can soothe the sting as well as reduce the inflammation. All you have to do is cut up a large potato, blend it into a liquid paste and apply the mash on the burn. The longer you let it soak on the skin, the better.

Unless you’re looking to start a new fashion statement, after at least 30 minutes of soaking, I suggest washing off the paste in the shower.

Sunburn Cures

Photo by Kelly Redfield


When your body becomes red, try a product that is white. Instead of pouring milk into your cereal, try pouring it over your body. The cool, thick consistency of milk provides you with an easy, soothing solution for your stinging skin. Furthermore, the protein of milk aids in repairing your burnt skin. All you need to do is grab a chilled carton of milk, pour it in a glass, soak some gauze in it and apply the compress to your skin.

sunburn 027

Photo by Kelly Redfield


You know that steaming bowl of thick oatmeal you love to eat in the morning? Imagine jumping into that warm bowl and soaking your sunburned body in it. Replace the bowl with a bath and this method is possible. Carbohydrates found in oats will aid in the healing process, while the warm water will soothe and moisten your dehydrated skin. This method requires a little more work, but it is a lot more effective than any brand of aloe vera. Grab a long tube sock, fill it up with uncooked oats and tie it tight. Fill up a bath with cool or warm water and toss that oatmeal sock in. A few minutes later, wring out the sock and you’ve got yourself a divine, healing pool of oat water.

Sunburn Cures

Photo by Kelly Redfield


Getting a sunburn is like frying your body in a skillet. The sun’s heat sucks out every last drop of moisture from the skin and leaves a blotchy, red sting. Similarly, after a day in the sun, our bodies are typically dehydrated too. Therefore, guzzling a tall drink of water ain’t a bad idea. Don’t forget to soak your body in cool water as well as drink it.

And don’t forget…the greatest remedy for a sunburn is preventing them! Never shy away from wearing a nice coat of SPF 30 before going on a date with the sun. So no matter how it goes, you won’t end up burned.