
5 Unexpected Ways To Transform Your Quest Bar

One of the hardest things to find is a protein bar that also tastes good. However when you do find one, never let it go. I’ve recently discovered how good Quest bars are because they are not only packed with a whomping 20 grams of protein, but have a sugar content as low as 1 gram per bar.

The most common way to consume this delicious bar of heaven is to eat it straight from the wrapper. However, what you probably don’t know is that with just 350 degrees of heat and a few minutes of your time you can transform your Quest bar from good to an out of this world snack, dessert, and even breakfast.

1. Guilt-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies 

OMG! Like cookies??? Try this guilt free! Cut up a chocolate chip cookie quest protein bar into four pieces, pop into toaster oven or regular over 350 degrees until they brown! Smelllls and tastes just like cookies!

A photo posted by Megan LaFlamme (@megan_laflamme) on

Who said you couldn’t have chocolate chip cookies after working out? Just separate the bar into pieces and bake. With these bad boys you can satisfy your sweet tooth while repairing your sore and overworked muscles.

2. Chocolate Peanut Butter Hot Cakes 

The best I could do for some chocolate peanut butter goodness on poverty macros 😡 #questbar cookies and some natural peanut butter! Cookies made with only half a quest bar because I can only fit half into my macros right now but you can make 4 cookies with a whole quest bar A photo posted by thenicoletan (@thenicoletan) on

Is there anything better than chocolate and peanut butter? No…no there is not. Cut up the Double Chocolate Chunk quest bar, roll the pieces out, bake and smother with peanut butter.

3. Quest Bar Donuts 

Throwback to these #questbar donuts. I have a hard time eating the bars raw now that I know how much better they taste baked. Except for the cookies and cream, that one needs to be raw —- don’t forget to enter my giveaway for your chance to win yourself a box of your own

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I donut know about you but this is how I like my donuts…without the thousands of calories.  You could really use any Quest bar for this delicious creation. Just roll the bar out, shape, bake, and cover with some greek yogurt for a frosting substitute.

4. Healthier Cookie Crisp 

Vanilla smoothie bowl made with Greek yogurt & almond milk for breakfast this morning. Topped it with a cinnamon roll #questbar that I cut up and baked into little cookie crisps. I’ve seen so many people do this and decided to try it out. Best. Idea. Ever. It’s fun to change up breakfast. Happy Sunday! A photo posted by @breazzyfit on

Coooooooookie crisp has never looked so good or been so healthy. Chop up the Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Quest bar, roll into balls, bake, and put in a bowl with just milk or some greek yogurt. The perfect breakfast or post workout snack.

5. Heavenly Quest Bar S’mores 

I hate to brag butttttt.. the single most delicious after workout protein snack I’ve ever made in my entire life. Cut quest bar in half both ways, cook in microwave for 10 seconds. Press down so it’s thinner, bake in oven at 400F for 2 minutes on each side on parchment paper. Once they were done I added marshmallow fluff & dark chocolate chips. Heaven in my mouth #questbarrecipes #questbarrecipes #protein #afterworkoutsnack

A photo posted by Alyssa Robb(@lysshepler) on

Miss those summer camp days roasting marshmallows out by the open fire? Take a trip down memory lane with this healthier quest bar s’more. Pop these bad boys in the oven or even the microwave and you’ll have everyone begging you to share. Pair the baked bar with a marshmallow and some dark chocolate… Mmmm smells like summer.

Did these Quest Bar Recipes peak your interest? Read more about them here: