Being a dessert loving freak, I’ve had an intense craving for a delicious slice of cake almost every day of the week. And I’m quite sure it’s not just me (cause if it’s just me, well..let’s move on then). The problem that I usually have with that, though, is that baking an entire cake requires too much of an effort, and of course, waiting for it to bake in the oven is just not something I have the time and patience for. Plus nobody has the time for concocting up some big, fancy, 10 ingredient dessert without even a hint of knowledge on baking when those sugar cravings are kicking in. When I need my sugar fix, I need it STAT. That’s where the one minute mug cakes for all us lazy dessert lovers come in.
So after some research and analysis, I’ve finally encountered the perfect ONE MINUTE MUG CAKE recipes that are easy, quick, delicious and definitely soothe those dessert cravings. This is an easy way out for all my fellow college go-ers out there who are short on cash and are lazy as heck but still want a way to satisfy their dessert cravings. So, here’s some of my favorite one minute mug cakes of all time!

Nutella Mug Cake
All you have to do for this yummy one minute nutella mug cake is take a microwaveable mug and mix all the wet ingredients, that is, nutella, condensed milk, vanilla extract and milk, together with a fork until you have a smooth consistency. Then add all the dry ingredients -flour, baking soda, cocoa powder and powdered sugar- and stir until combined properly. Microwave for about a minute (or more if you feel it needs more time) and voila! You have a little slice of heaven all to yourself.

Coffee Mug Cake
Don’t worry all you coffee lovers, I got you too. For this gorgeous one minute coffee mug cake, again take a microwavable mug and add the wet ingredients -condensed milk, oil and milk. In a separate cup, dissolve the coffee granules in the hot water and add it to the wet ingredients. Add in the flour, baking powder, sugar and salt and mix with a fork until combined properly without lumps. Microwave for a minute and you have yourself an amazing rich coffee concoction without much effort.

Vanilla Oreo Mug Cake
One of the most basic yet the easiest mug cake that tastes ridiculously good and is perfect for any time! Mix all the dry ingredients -flour, baking powder, sugar and salt- in a microwaveable mug with a fork and add all wet ingredients that is, condensed milk, oil, milk and vanilla extract, to the mug. Combine all the ingredients thoroughly and let this goodness microwave for a minute and a half. Sprinkle some oreos on top and you have yourself a delectable vanilla oreo cake to die for.
Now everyday is dessert day!