
How to Live with a Vegan Roommate, as Told by Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth

Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth are the ultimate vegan power couple. They both became vocal about going vegan within the past year and a half. Miley is a huge advocate of it on Instagram, while Liam just earned the title of PETA’s Sexiest Vegan of 2016. We took a few pointers from the two love birds on how to live with a vegan.

Get a Fluffy Friend Together

Miley and Liam are serious animal lovers, so your vegan roommate must be too. Miley went vegan after her dog died and stopped eating animal products immediately. Getting a pet with your roommate can be a great way to bond. The two of them apparently have six dogs in their home. That's the dream. 

Cook Together

Miley loves to show us that she cooks her own food. Make it a point to cook something with your roommate at least once a week (possibly Meatless Monday?). Obviously, whatever you make will be accommodating to your vegan roommate, but get creative with recipes and be open minded to trying new foods. Try vegan dessert, healthy vegan food swaps, or any of these 25 recipes. Liam revealed to Men's Health that the one thing he really misses is cheese. We got you covered with vegan recipes for cheese lovers, so no one is missing out on anything.  

Detox Together

Liam told Men’s Health that he was inspired by his costar, Woody Harrelson to go vegan during the filming of the Hunger Games. He also told Men’s Health that going vegan had a positive domino effect on his life. Sometimes detoxing can give you that positive, healthy feeling that he's talking about. So who better to detox with than your vegan roommate?

They can hold you accountable for putting fuel in your body, like nutritious fruits and vegetables. Invest in a juicer for your kitchen and the two of you can sip on some raw carrot juice. Detoxing is always better when you have a buddy.

Try Vegan Restaurants Together

Miley and Liam are frequently spotted going out to vegan restaurants together. This can be a good chance for you to try a new restaurant that you might not have looked twice at. You'd be surprised by how similar vegan restaurants can make their food look to meat — such as the Impossible Burger. Curious yet?

Be Active Together

Liam also told Men's Humor that there are no negatives to eating like this, and that he feels nothing but positive, mentally and physically. Rather than thinking about what your roommate won't eat, learn from their diet and take in the positive aspects of it. Your vegan roomie is probably active, so find a common activity to do that doesn't involve food. We know Miley loves yoga, and Liam loves surfing, so maybe you and your roommate can take up something fun together. You might have just gained a new adventure buddy.