Clarification: Lil’ Wayne didn’t actually come up with these 10 food suggestions, but he did post it on his Facebook page on January 29th, 2015. Are you really surprised he would be interested in this? I didn’t think so. The original article written by Isaac Paul, “The Surprising List of 10 Foods That Can Get You High,” caught my interest, and I bet it caught yours too.
Check out the video in its entirety if you’re interested, but I did you a favour and summarized it. Note, these are just fun facts…we all know better than to actually try these suggestions, right?
1. Coffee:

Photo by Irina Chalaguina
Seven cups a day can cause hallucinations…really? It turns out that there is a lot more to your daily cup of brew than you may have originally thought.
2. Cocoa:

Photo by Irina Chalaguina
You might have heard—chocolate can do a lot for us humans. It contains anandamides (along with many other helpful chemicals), similar to those released by cannabis. Chocolate lovers, don’t get too excited—apparently a 130 lb individual would have to eat 25 lbs of chocolate to get high.
3. Mulberries: consuming a large amount of the unripe fruit can cause hallucinations.
4. Stilton Cheese: 0.7-oz can cause “bizarre dreams.”
5. Hot Chilli Peppers: these peppers contain capsaicinoids—a chemical that reacts with tastebuds to stimulate the release of feel-good endorphins as compensation for the heat.
6. Mushrooms:

Photo by Irina Chalaguina
Some varieties contain the psychedelic compounds psilocybin and psilocin, both of which distort perception and heighten feelings.
7. Poppy Seed Bagels:

Photo by Irina Chalaguina
Poppy seeds contain morphine and codeine—eat 1.4-oz, and you might fail a drug test.
8. Sarpa Salpa: eating the heads of these fish can cause auditory and visual hallucinations for days—allegedly, the Ancient Romans ate them as a recreational drug.
9. Rye Bread:

Photo by Irina Chalaguina
The fungus ergot, which contains the psychoactive chemical ergotamine, can infect the rye grain. This causes hallucinations and convulsions.
10. Nutmeg:

Photo by Irina Chalaguina
This spice contains myristicin—eat 2 tablespoons, and you will experience “out-of-body” sensations.
Shoutout to Lil’ Wayne, we all appreciate you for sharing such an “interesting” video.
For some more food-related fun facts check out these articles: