
Here's How to Make Your Own Hummus and Put the Dining Hall Stuff to Shame

Bush's Beans just released a new line of Make-Your-Own Hummus that's so easy you can make it right in your dorm (or kitchen, if you're not a struggling college freshman like myself). All that's required is a can of beans of your choice, Bush's DIY hummus packets, and a food processor or even a NutriBullet from your vegan, green-smoothie-loving friend. Here are the three easy steps to get the best hummus in a pinch:

Step 1: Gather the Goods

All that you need, according to Bush's instructions, is one 16-ounce can of beans, a Hummus Made Easy packet, and a food processor. The packets come in a variety of mouthwatering flavors, from classic to southwest black bean. Next, you will need a food processor, but a NutriBullet will work just as well.

Step 2: Drain and Mix

This part is pretty self-explanatory. Just drain your can of beans, pour them into the processor, and add one pouch of your desired flavor of Hummus Made Easy mix. Mix and match different types of beans with different flavored hummus mixes for a surprising twist on your run-of-the-mill hummus.

Finally, blend the beans and the mix to your desired consistency (usually smooth and creamy). However, I have been wondering, as a crunchy peanut butter gal, is crunchy hummus a legitimate possibility?

Step 3: Dig In

Just like that, you've whipped up some delicious and semi-homemade hummus. You can eat it immediately, or refrigerate it before serving. Traditionally served with pita, pita chips, or carrots, I'd even recommend sneaking some less expected snacks from your nearest dining hall to sample with your latest creation. Try your hummus with celery, cucumbers, and tomatoes or even a veggie burger, turkey wrap, or salad if you're feeling extra chef-y. 

Bush's Hummus Made Easy is the epitome of an easy snacking. It comes in so many different flavors that it's sure to please everyone. Since it's a definite step up from the liquidy dining hall hummus, I'd recommend bringing a tupperware from your dorm to the halls for a delicious snack or an epic condiment to complement your meal. Or, if you're like me, eat it all in one sitting (even though each packet has 15 servings and I made three at one time — oops). You really can't go wrong with this easy, tasty, healthy snack. Yummus.