
How to Safely Deep Fry Food and Not Burn Down Your Kitchen

Frozen French fries just never taste the same as the real deal. I mean, how sad and floppy can a potato be? As someone of Irish descent, there is nothing more insulting than a badly cooked potato. But when you try to deep fry some authentic French fries, that usually ends in tears, burns, and the fire alarm going off at least once. But goddamn, that's the best French fry you've ever had.  

There no reason to have to sacrifice great food just because it may have resulted in a few injuries the first time around. I think it's time to do some research on how to be safe while deep frying—luckily for you, I did all that research for you, so let me walk you through the basics of being safe while deep frying at home. 

1. It's all about the oil

When you walk down the oil aisle at the grocery store, it can be a little overwhelming. I mean, vegetable, olive, avocado, and what even is a safflower? Not every oil is made equal, especially when it comes to deep frying.

The key to safe frying is an oil with a high smoke point, which has to do with how hot the oil can get before it starts to smoke. Your best bet is going to be peanut oil. It is #1 for chefs all around for its tame natural flavor and high smoke point. A good alternative for someone who may be allergic to nuts is sunflower oil. 

2. You don't need to have a fryer, but be sure to use a deep enough pan

One of the most dangerous practices in a kitchen is frying something with a pan that just isn't deep enough. That's a sure-fire way to get burned. My sister actually still has a scar on her leg from one of these mishaps.

A good rule of thumb is to only fill a pan up 2/3 of the way because it gives the oil enough leeway to bubble up and rise when food is added. If you have a deep fryer, never fill past the fill line. It was put there for a reason.

3. Temperature is more important than you might think

Most at-home deep fryers come with a temperature gauge, but if you're using a pan, your life will be a lot easier with a thermometer. It will make the entire process much easier and end results tastier.

Each recipe will have different temperatures, but keep in mind that when you add food, the temperature will drop. Make sure to keep the oil hot enough to ensure a nice crisp exterior instead of an unappetizing bite of oil soaked something-or-other.

If the oil starts to smoke, it's too hot and you need to remove it from the heat quickly and safely. If the oil catches fire, smother it. Do not add water. It will just make it worse. Always have a baking sheet, lid, or plate handy just in case you need to cover the pan.

4. Don't overcrowd

The final step is to not overcrowd the pan with food. Yes, I know it's difficult to watch three egg rolls being cooked while the final three lay cold and inedible on the counter, but it'll make it all better in the long run. If you overcrowd the pan, the temperature will drop too much, resulting in some mediocre Asian treats.

The smaller the batches, the yummier the food. Just keep the first batches warm by placing them on a pan in an oven at a very low temperature. 

So there you have it; in four short steps, you're no longer going to be guarding yourself in oven mitts and kitchen towels trying to avoid splattering oil. Plus, you'll never have a sad French fry again. Now that you've got the safety basics down, it's time to try them out for yourself with deep fried butter balls and deep fried tequila shots! Good luck, and safe frying!