“That’s what you said about the wooden salad bowl and I’m the only one who oils it!” – Manny Delgado, Modern Family
Manny is a wise man. Oiling wooden kitchen equipment is crucial to increasing the longevity of wooden cutting boards, spoons and bowls. Performing this simple step once a week will make all the difference in prepping, cooking, and serving food. Mineral oil, found in the pharmaceutical aisle of most grocery stores, is the key to oiling wooden kitchen tools. Stores will also sell packs of mineral wipes for over $5 a pop, but you can buy an entire bottle of mineral oil for less than half the price.
You Will Need:
1 bottle of mineral oil
2 clean, old rags or multiple paper towels (bonus of using a cloth rag: wrap the bottle in them when you’re done for storage)
Wooden utensils, bowls and/or cutting boards, washed and dried
1. Lay wooden items on one of the rags and fold the other into a square. Pour a small amount of mineral oil on the folded rag (about 1 teaspoon for spoons and turners and up to a tablespoon for larger bowls and cutting boards).

Photo by Amanda Gajdosik
2. Rub oil along top surface the wood, making sure to distribute evenly. Allow the oil to soak in for 10-15 minutes before flipping over and oiling the other side.

Photo by Amanda Gajdosik
3. Dry items overnight before using (it’s best to do this in stages so you’re not without spoons or cutting boards all at once). Oil items once a week to keep in tip-top condition.

Photo by Amanda Gajdosik
Tip: Mineral oil is a natural laxative, so use sparingly!