
How to Make a Parfait From the Dining Hall in Less Than 5 Minutes

Have you ever woken up late with the intention of having enough time to sit down and enjoy your breakfast in the dining hall? I know we sometimes want to leisurely enjoy our first meal of the day, but many times (more often than we’d usually like) sleep gets in the way. In moments like these, we usually hurry to the closest dining hall and leave with a quick bagel. However, having a bagel almost daily isn’t the healthiest breakfast choice. I’ve been finding myself getting a parfait more often, instead of getting a bagel, and realized that it is a quick and easy option that is perfect for those mornings where you need to take your breakfast to-go. Making a parfait is actually effortless and even enjoyable. They’re also great because they can be very customizable according to your preferences, so you won’t get sick of them.

Here is a basic guide on how you can start your day with some yummy antioxidants, all using ingredients from—drumroll, please—the dining hall!

Photo by Hannah Oh

Step 1: Add your base layer.

Photo by Hannah Oh

The dining hall usually offers four different flavors of yogurt to choose from. The selection is usually strawberry, blueberry, vanilla, and plain Greek. Here I decided to go with the plain Greek yogurt because it keeps me full longer and has more protein than the other choices.

Step 2: Add a layer of granola or nuts.

Photo by Hannah Oh

I usually like to add a layer of the classic granola but there is a massive selection of toppings to choose from like blueberry or cranberry granola, almonds, pine nuts, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, and more. Have it your way, this is YOUR breakfast.

Step 3: Add another layer of yogurt.

Photo by Hannah Oh

You can switch it up or play it safe by using the same flavor as the first layer. Here I decided to add some flavor to the Greek yogurt by adding a layer of strawberry yogurt.

Step 4: Repeat the addition of toppings.

Photo by Hannah Oh

I know it’s getting pretty repetitive, but trust me it will be worth it. Here I added another layer of classic granola because I personally like play my parfait game safe and want it to be consistent. But you are free to add your choice of any toppings! Just make sure to add even amounts of each layer to keep balance.

Step 5: Add another layer of yogurt, but make it a good one ’cause it’s your last.

Photo by Hannah Oh

I know, just when you were getting used to it it becomes your last layer of yogurt. It’s a tragedy, but don’t worry because your parfait isn’t complete YET! Here I added another layer of plain Greek yogurt.

Step 6: Add your FINAL layer of toppings.

Photo by Hannah Oh

This is usually where I like to add the nuts because I think it makes it look aesthetically pleasing and it creates a nice overall balance and harmony in the taste. Here I added flaxseeds, pecans, and almonds for an extra kick of protein to my day. My top layer of toppings is my smallest one because I add less nuts than I do granola since they are more nutrient-dense than granola.

Step 7: Add your fruits.

Photo by Hannah Oh

I think we can all agree that one of the best things about our dining halls is the fresh fruit selection that is put out daily. Take advantage of that and add some fruits to brighten up your day.

#SpoonTip: Slice up a banana and add it into the parfait for a sweet and even-more filling parfait concoction!

Photo by Hannah Oh

Here I added some blackberries and raspberries and voilà your breakfast yogurt parfait is now complete.

Now, THAT was easy.

Photo by Hannah Oh

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