
How to Eat a Cupcake

Every cupcake connoisseur is familiar with this predicament: a little bit of frosting on top, but a whole lotta cake on the bottom. It’s always difficult to maneuver around the sides of a cupcake, trying to conserve enough frosting to enjoy each bite of fluffy cake. But we’ve discovered the perfect solution: a makeshift whoopie pie! It makes for the perfect frosting sandwich so you don’t have to worry about missing a mouthful of this heavenly combination. Here’s how to make one.

1. Obtain cupcake.

Photo by Kirby Barth

2. Cut off the bottom half of the cupcake.

Photo by Kirby Barth

3. Place the bottom half bottom-side-up on top of the frosting.

Photo by Kirby Barth

4. Press down gently.

Photo by Kirby Barth

5. Enjoy!

Photo by Kirby Barth