
How to Cook With Edible Flowers and Where to Get Them

The other day I was walking through Lassen's Grocery store and I came across edible flowers in the fresh produce section. 

I have seen flowers used as decoration in at restaurants and in cookbooks, but I have always been intimidated to use them in my own cooking. I used to gather flowers from my backyard at home to style cakes or cupcakes, but when I heard horror stories about people being poisoned from them, I stopped. That was until about a month ago when I saw them at the grocery store.

How to access edible flowers

Since it's not very common to use edible flowers in meals, it may take a few tries to find a grocery store that carries them. I drove around to multiple different grocery stores in my area, San Luis Obispo, California, and Lassen's was the only place that sold them. Even then, it was a very limited selection. (But they had really pretty orange ones when I went, so it all worked out.)

From a little web searching, I discovered that edible flowers can also be ordered online. One of the sites I found is Gourmet Sweet Botanicals, which ships flowers the same day you order to ensure freshness and color vibrance. 

Flowers have been said to add flavor to dishes, each one offering something a little different. If you're picking wild flowers to cook with, it's important to read up on the flowers before consuming to make sure they aren't poisonous and that you're selecting the taste that you want for your dish. 

Why use flowers in your food?

Flowers are super pretty — I mean who doesn't like to smell roses or admire sunflowers? The great part about using edible flowers in food is you can't really mess up — the entire process is supposed to be creative and fun, so as long as you check that they are indeed edible use them however you see fit!

Adding edible flowers to the tops of cakes, in fresh spring rolls or in a glass of tea can easily add a little color and beauty to your day. They're great for changing up your appetizers at a party or serving dishes at someone else's place. It's also a nice way to indulge in self-care and do something a little extra and fun for yourself!