So that new fancy restaurant downtown is “now hiring,” and you’re pumped ’cause you know you’ll get the job with your confidence and all. But here’s the thing… You may want to be a server, you may even get the job, but that doesn’t mean you’re any good at it.
So do yourself a favor and follow these tips to be the best of the best, and hopefully get the most tips:
1. Introduce yourself with a smile

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Be kind. First impressions are everything. It could determine your tip percentage, and don’t you want to pay your rent this month?
2. Don’t overreact to the demands of the customer

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Keep your cool at all times. Even if your ex sits down at your table and orders a plate of spaghetti — resist the urge to throw it in his face. There are more civil ways to handle such matters.
3. Watch your mouth

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You never know, that really annoying lady who is taking seven hours to order a salad might be the princess of Genovia. You can never be too sure… So don’t screw up.
4. Mind your own business

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I know you want to be the next Sherlock Holmes, but not everything is an investigation. Especially the personal issues of your customers. Some matters are better kept private, if you know what I mean.
5. Don’t break things (too often)

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A cup once in awhile is okay, but don’t make it a habit. You wanna be able to stroll into work the next day knowing that your boss won’t throw a hissy fit for not having enough fine china to serve the customers their food.
6. Don’t fool around (too much)

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We all know that you spend practically all day and night with your coworkers, and that by this time, most of them are your best friends (#bestfriendstatus). But that doesn’t justify goofing around too much. Save the jokes for closing time.
7. Learn quickly and be efficient

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If you learn the tricks of the trade, sooner or later, you’ll be the most requested server at your restaurant. Who knows? If you work hard enough, you might even score employee of the month.
8. Follow the rules

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Listen to your boss. He (usually) knows how to get things done. And you still want your paycheck, right?
9. Make sure you look presentable

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If your shirt is stained and your hair looks like a bird’s nest, your customers might not know that you’re their server. They might not even come back. So do yourself a favor and run a comb through that mess — hopefully it won’t get stuck.
10. Just enjoy yourself

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We know that you’re at work for 12+ hours a day and your feet are throbbing, but if you try to make the most of it, I promise you, you’ll end up enjoying yourself. Plus, that’s just more money in your pocket.