
Healthy Kelsey: 3 Tips to Get Back On Track

So you ate a little more than usual or drank your weight in alcohol over the weekend. No worries! These tips will rid your body of those toxins and get you back to a healthy lifestyle.

Photo by Everett Putnam-Mackey


1. Drink water. A lot of it.

People should drink their body weight in ounces of water daily, but especially after indulging in sodium filled food or alcohol. Listen your body and its cry for more H2O!

Photo by Everett Putnam-Mackey

2. Stick to nutrient dense foods.

Comprise your meals of whole foods, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Getting your diet back to the basics of nutritional food will surely fire up your metabolism.

3. Cut back on artificial sweeteners

You’d be surprised to find that many foods have added sweeteners in them. These artificial additives can to lead to bloating and stomach discomfort. Try to not to consume as many and your digestive system will thank you.

Follow these tips and you’re sure to feel like a brand new person.

Looking for more tips to stay healthy all year ’round? Check out these articles: