
Which Teas Have Which Medicinal Benefits?

It’s that time of year again: flu season has come and gone, and then come again, you’re perpetually cold, and your professors are piling on the work. It’s enough to make you want to hibernate.

Fortunately, there’s tea. Since the dawn of time, hundreds of cultures around the world have used tea to get through the hard times. Here are the best herbal teas to get you through everything from insomnia to sickness to anxiety.

1. Mint

Photo by Mikal Post

Not only is mint tea delicious, but it’s basically magical. This tea will reduce congestion, and relieve bloating, cramping, indigestion, and nausea. It will also alleviate headaches and migraines. In addition, it can help calm you down after a hectic day. While there are a variety of mint teas, I’d recommend a simple, yet powerful peppermint. Want something cold and refreshing instead? Try this mint mojitea.

2. Chamomile

Photo by Mikal Post

More like CALMomile, am I right? This tea is perfect for you insomniacs who can’t stop thinking about all that work you need to finish before Friday. It’s proven to relieve anxiety, promote relaxation, and induce sleeping.

3. Ginger

Photo by Mikal Post

Ginger tea is great for sore throats, but it’s best known for aiding stomach and digestive issues. Drinking ginger tea will help relieve nausea, bloating, and indigestion. It’s even used to treat motion sickness. If mint isn’t your idea of a cup of tea, try this spicy substitute. And if you’re looking for a little extra warmth check out this recipe for spiked ginger tea.

4. Echinacea

Photo by Mikal Post

Pronounced ech-i-NAY-SHA, this tea was made for cold and flu season. Not only is it high in antioxidants, but it will boost your immune system and keep you from getting sick…again.

5. Cinnamon

Photo by Mikal Post

This isn’t just a delicious spice for churros and other mouth-watering pastries. It’s also packed with health benefits. Cinnamon tea is used to improve circulation, and relieve bloating, cramping, and nausea. It’s also used to reduce cold symptoms and soothe a sore throat. It’s too bad cinnamon rolls don’t have the same benefits.

6. Kava

Photo by Mikal Post

If your stress is simply overwhelming, this is the tea for you. Kava tea is used to reduce anxiety, and I can personally attest to the fact that it works. In some cases, kava has even been used to treat mild depression.

7. Dandelion

Photo by Mikal Post

You’ve seen this weed your whole life, but I bet you didn’t know you could drink it. This tea is used for detox. Dandelion root supports healthy liver, kidney, and digestive function, so it’s perfect for the Sunday morning after a weekend of letting off steam.

All these herbal teas should be brewed for 3-5 minutes for the best results and taste.

For more teas and their benefits check out these articles: