
Get the Most Out of Any Smoothie from West with These Blended Berry Hacks

We've all scrolled past the endless supply of vegan smoothie bowl posts on our Instagram feed, thinking that ours will never look or taste as good. Think again.

West Dining has given us the chance to create our very own smoothie bowls with the Blended Berry, and believe it or not, it ain't so tricky. With a twist of elbow grease and a dash of creativity, you'll be able to whip together a gourmet smoothie bowl in just five minutes.

Whether it be a healthy meal or a cheeky treat, a DIY smoothie bowl is the perfect way to kick-start your morning.

Bowl'd Hacks

1. Get Green

Don't be afraid to explore West in search of ingredients, they don't mind. Add kale, spinach, or avocado to make your smoothie just that much healthier. 

#SpoonTip: If you use only yellow fruits and add greens, it makes for a vibrant green color.

2. Mix & Match Yogurt

I dare you to give up the plain yogurt, and try out some of West's diverse options, such as vanilla or berry. Even mix it up to find your favorite taste.

3. Go Fruity

Don't think for a second that you need to stick with the frozen stuff if you're in the mood for a fruit smoothie. Venture over to the waffle bar to add fresh blueberries, strawberries, melons, and more.

4. Try it Iced

If you like a thicker smoothie, or just want it a bit colder, grab a cup of ice from the soda machine. You are sure to impress your friends on those warm days hanging out on West Beach. 

5. Make it Home-Made

Can't find what you're looking for in the West dining hall? Check out the convenience store, Schenectady's own Greenmarket, or order offline to get your favorite add-ons. Maybe consider getting dates for a natural sweetener, cinnamon, honey, or herbs to elevate your smoothie bowl game to the next level.

6. Treat Yo Self

Not every smoothie bowl has to be healthy. Go ahead and satisfy that sweet tooth. Explore the waffle bar for some not-so-nutritious options, such as chocolate syrup, whipped cream, and everyone's fave, choco-chips.

7. Go for Gainz

Looking to add protein and get some gainz? Consider bringing healthy protein powder, almonds, or chia seeds from your dorm room. Plus, in the morning, West even has peanut butter that can be found at the bagel station.

The weirdest healthy protein additive of all? Tofu. This unexpected ingredient is virtually tasteless, but makes your smoothie creamier and smoother than your average yogurt or milk would.

8. Granola Gets Old

Granola is always available to the left of the cereals, but let's be real, it gets to be bland after just a few smoothie bowls. Instead, try to add some texture with pumpkin seeds, cereal, or raisins; all of which are available in West.

Try everything out, what's the worst that could happen? If you fail, you can always head to our local Raw Juice Bar for a tasty açaí bowl, smoothie, or juice. Or just use their creations for your own West Dining Hall inspiration. 

Remember to be creative. Take flavorful risks. And most of all, be bowl'd.