
Five Steps to Organize the Perfect Secret Santa

As it is Christmas season, all friend groups are trying to organize the most common and fun gift exchange party: Secret Santa. Everyone is coming back from college, and all they want to do is see their friends from home and have some fun! We all know how hard it is to have everyone decide on when, where, and how the Secret Santa is going to be organized. Everyone has gone through the struggle of having all of your friends agree on a date, and then the battle of deciding what type of food everyone wants... and who is bringing what is the hardest part. 

I have come up with five simple steps for you and your friends to have the perfect Secret Santa without having to struggle while organizing it. 

First- The Date

Find the perfect date where all of your friends are going to be able to make it (honestly, this is the hardest part). We all know how hard it is to have everyone meet up at the same place and at the same time.

Second- The Place

Decide where your Secret Santa is going to be; there is no party without a place to celebrate it! Make sure it is a location accessible to everyone and somewhere you all can feel comfortable. 

Third- The Budget and Wishlists

Create a budget that is acceptable for everyone to afford and once you have decided on a budget, have your friends draw their names and complete their wishlist.

Fourth- Food and Drink!

The most important part: decide what you guys are going to eat and drink. There is no party without food and drinks. Most friend gatherings have easy food to get like dips, empanadas, pizza, and snacks. Also, don't forget about the cheap wine and champagne.

To have everyone bring something, decide on what you want to eat and drink, and then make a list of who is bringing what. Keep reminding them about it so when the time comes, they don't forget about it. Remember, food is an essential part of these steps!

Fifth- Enjoy!

When the day comes, make sure everyone remembers to bring their gifts and food. Enjoy your evening stuffing your face with food and opening gifts!