
How to Effectively Organize Your Pantry Using Mason Jars

I live in a treehouse. Okay, not actually. But I do climb up and down a ladder to get to my loft space in a small efficiency. I’m sure you know the struggle — college housing isn’t exactly synonymous with elbow room. We’re always having to get creative with new ways to organize our itty bitty living spaces, especially that one designated shelf we get in the shared pantry. Enter mason jars.

These versatile godsends come in basically every size, depending on how much of a certain food you keep on hand and how often you like to use it. For me, this means oats, brown rice, lentils and quinoa get the 64-oz. size, while something a bit more obscure like farro, millet or nutritional yeast might get a 16-oz. size, and sesame seeds and other toppings and garnishes go in 4-oz. jars.

Now let’s talk about how amazing the bulk section of your grocery store is. Skipping out on excess packaging and labels is a huge environmental plus. However, the downside is that you can’t always tell barley from bulgur wheat. How are you supposed to keep track of all those similar looking grains, flours and legumes? Here’s what you need:

1. Apply the chalkboard paint on the lids and let dry, about 45 minutes.

Photo by Karlie Kramer

#SpoonTip: You may need to apply two coats to really get that black chalkboard look. Make sure the paint is completely dry before beginning your lettering.

2. Use your mad cute handwriting skills to label the tops with the chalkboard marker.

Photo by Karlie Kramer

3. Fill the jars with all your fave foods and enjoy sweet organization.

Photo by Karlie Kramer

#SpoonTip: Investing in a lazy susan can further maximize your space if you have a tiny kitchen.

Photo by Karlie Kramer

Want more mason jars? Check out these other handy uses: