
Easy and Quiet Snack Swaps to Avoid Dirty Looks in the Library

The library is one of the only places on campus dedicated to silence. Something as subtle as rustling papers can catch the attention of those studying, and spark a sea of death stares and eye rolling from every table around you.

As a result, eating in the library is only for braves souls, or those totally oblivious to how obnoxious they’re being—until now. With these quick-fix alternatives for your loud library snacks, you’ll never lose your perfect spot or annoy your neighbor again. Now go out there and get snacking.

The Problem: Loud Wrapper

The Alternative: Ziploc Bag

#SpoonTip: Put the granola bar in a Ziploc bag before you leave your dorm to avoid distracting wrappers in the library.

The Problem: Loud Chips

The Alternative: Trail Mix

#SpoonTip: Trail mix in a Ziploc bag is much more healthy and filling than chips, not to mention it’s basically a silent snack.

The Problem: Crunchy Apple

The Alternative: Banana

#SpoonTip: Bananas have lots of fiber to keep you satisfied for long hours at the library, and your neighbor won’t even hear you eating.

For more hacks and quick- fixes: