
A Beginner's Guide to Vale Food Co.

If you haven't eaten at Vale yet, have you been living under a rock? It began as a food delivery service and it was so successful that its first restaurant was opened in April 2016. Vale is a fast casual restaurant that provides balanced meals to the average college student under $10. Vale has chipotle’s efficiency with Whole Foods quality. Located in the heart of College Town, it’s accessible from campus and any of the surrounding apartment complexes. Vale isn’t just a restaurant, it’s a lifestyle. They have their own merchandise and flash deals via Snapchat (valefoodco). Vale Food Co. has taken Tallahassee by storm for obvious reasons. If you have no idea what Vale is or how to order, I'm here to guide you. You're welcome. 

spoontip: Check-in on Facebook and show the cashier to receive 10% off of your order. 

A Regular Bowl

First things first, you choose your bases. The bases are some sort of carbohydrates, the most popular ones being sweet potatoes and chipotle mac and cheese. Next, you choose your two veggies, my favorites from their options are broccoli and brussels sprouts. Then you get to pick two proteins, siracha meatballs are my personal fave. The chicken of the day always stirs up excitement too. Lastly, you get to choose your sauce to spice up your bowl.

Personally, I'll eat half of a regular bowl for lunch and save the other half for dinner because it's a little too much for me. This is a perfect way to save money since we're all ballin' on a budget. You can also order a small bowl instead, which only includes one of each base, veggie, and protein. 

Super Food Station 101

Vale also offers two different kinds of superfood bowls: acai and the brand new one, poke. I love the acai bowl, they definitely make the best one in Tallahassee. For the acai bowl, the granola on top is included and then you choose up to three additional toppings. If you want to take your bowl to the next level, you can add an extra topping for a dollar more.

The poke bowl, 

Online Ordering

Vale is a facey place just like every other popular spot in Tallahassee. You're bound to see someone you know. If you rather not see your friends while wearing your shack shirt, order online. a. Unfortunately, if you’re really craving an acai bowl/dragon bowl you’re going to have to drag your butt to Vale to order it. Their superfruit bowls are worth it, though.

 So now you know the deals Vale offers, how to order your regular bowl and your superfruits bowl, and most importantly how to not be facey but still enjoy a well-balanced meal.