If you’re like me, you L-O-V-E (okay… maybe tolerate) the made-to-order salad bar addition to Frank Dining Hall this semester. It’s basically a Sweetgreen/Chop’t/Saladworks (okay… maybe more like a FreshCity) in Hamilton. It’s a great way to eat healthy but chances are you aren’t taking advantage of what Frank can do for your salad. Try these hacks to upgrade that salad!

1. Protein


Photo by Abigail Salesky

Add the meat from the main meal to your salad instead of the cubed chicken or tuna. It’s warm, seasoned, and (probably) fresher.

2. Nuts and dried fruits


Photo by Courtney Lailey

Add nuts and dried fruits from the yogurt bar for some protein and texture.

3. Dressing


By Danny Schuleman

Dress your own salad. There are more dressing choices at the salad bar and you can regulate the amount.

4. New additions


Photo by Abigail Salesky

Once you’re handed your salad, head over to the salad bar and add more goodies. Sometimes the made-to-order salad bar doesn’t have everything the main one does.

5. Fresh fruit


Photo by Mallory Shaner

Add apples, oranges, or pears from the fruit section to sweeten your salad.

6. Cheese


Photo by Caryssa Lim

Prefer a cheese other than feta or blue? Take cheese from the sandwich bar and use that instead. Cheddar lovers rejoice!

Now go forth and enjoy that salad!