
5 Fun and Easy Ways to Naturally Boost Your Metabolism

Your metabolism is a crucial process that uses what you consume to help you grow, heal and feel energized, but it’s easy to get frustrated when you feel like you’re stuck with a slow one. However, there are simple ways to boost your metabolism that may be easier and more fun than you expect.

1. Stay Hydrated

Photo by Kirsten Kumar

Yeah, water isn’t always our first choice when looking for a refreshing beverage, but it’s important to remember that water makes up 60% of the adult body and it needs to be replenished. Drinking a few glasses before meals and taking breaks during the day to sip some water can make a difference in your metabolism.

2. Embrace Your Caffeine Addiction

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As a source of antioxidants and energy, coffee and green tea are excellent choices. Especially if consumed before a workout, coffee can rev up your metabolism and give you more energy to kick butt in the gym. Unsweetened green tea aids digestion and can increase your calorie burn by 100 calories per day, according to Michelle Dudash, RD.

3. Add Salmon to Your Meal

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Not only will salmon’s high protein levels help you out, the omega-3 fatty acids will aid in weight loss. In a study published in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, researchers supplemented adult diets with fish oil for 6 weeks and saw significantly increased lean body mass and decreased body fat.

4. Keep Fidgeting

Photo courtesy of @fitbit on Instagram

Staying active even in down time can help boost your metabolism. Activity like pacing while talking on the phone, shifting in your seat in class or taking the stairs instead of the elevator can add up to help you burn more calories per day. Try adding these underrated exercises to your next workout.

5. Laugh More

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Laughing with your friends or cracking-up over the latest animal GIFs is a guaranteed good time, but who knew laughing could be this much fun. A study published in the International Journal of Obesity found that laughing for 15 minutes a day will burn 10–40 calories.

Get out there and get giggling.

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