
5 Alternative Sweeteners to Put in Your Coffee in Place of Sugar

Being Cuban and from South Florida, drinking coffee has always been a part of my life. As a former Einstein’s barista, I have witnessed people adding heaping spoons of sugar to their daily cups of coffee. I was constantly being asked by customers the same question, “What can I sweeten my coffee with that isn’t sugar?” Check out these tips for having a sweet cup of Joe without having to splurge.

1. Vanilla Extract

Photo by Jocelyn Hsu

Being that vanilla is one of the most popular flavors of coffee, using it in its natural form is a great way to enhance the taste of your coffee. This flavor is incredibly strong, is extremely cheap to purchase, and doesn’t require you to use more than a drop or two.

Not only does it taste and smell amazing, but it also contains antioxidants; which helps maintain a microbiological balance within the human body and helps aid in the prevention of illnesses.

2. Agave

Photo by Kathleen Lee

Agave is a great natural sweetener and is similar in consistency to honey. It is often used for weight loss or wound healing. Although agave contains more calories than sugar, it is much more health beneficial so be sure to use it in moderation if you are a calorie counter. However, its strong taste will allow you to sweeten your whole cup without needing much of it.

3. Cinnamon

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Over the years, cinnamon has become a popular way to switch up the flavor of your coffee without needing extra sugar. Adding just a pinch is all you need to spice up your drink. This spice is also known to boost your immune system which is a great enhancement to your day. Try brewing your coffee with a whole stick of cinnamon to get an entirely original taste.

4. Sugar-free Creamers

Photo by Smita Jain

Syrups and coffee creamers are usually filled with sugar, which is why we crave them so much. Adding them to your cup of coffee can quickly make your low calorie drink turn into a dietary disaster. Luckily, you can now ask for the sugar-free option when you are on your daily Starbucks run.

You may now also purchase several different kinds of sugar-free creamers at grocery stores; Coffee Mate Natural Bliss flavors are a tastier and healthier option.

5. Stevia

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Unlike most artificial sweeteners that are filled with Aspartame like Equal and Sweet-N-Low, causing you to just crave sugar even more, Stevia does not contain this chemical. This natural sweetener is incredibly strong compared to sugar, so you will not need much to satisfy your tastes buds.

Stevia comes from the leaves of the Stevia plant, and is said to help with cholesterol and obesity. Did I forget to mention it contains 0 calories?

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