
11 Life Hacks to Ease Your Morning Ride on the Struggle Bus

No one likes getting up early. But no one likes a lazy grump either. Make sure you start your day right with these tips for lifting your mood and making life before noon easier than it’s ever been.

1. Drink water. 

Nowadays, most people start their day with a good ol’ cup of joe. Studies show, however, that we should actually be grabbing a cold glass of water. Drinking 16 ounces of water (about a plastic water bottle size) when you first wake up is proven to increase alertness just as effectively as your daily dose of caffeine.

Photo: Rebecca Block

 2. Don’t drink coffee right away.

After you drink that cup of water, hold off on the coffee for a few hours. Caffeine is proven to have the most positive effect after you start stressing out.

Photo: Rebecca Block

 3. Eat breakfast within one hour of waking up.

Breakfast IS the most important meal of the day. Eating within one hour of waking up will increase the rate at which you burn calories and regulates your eating habits for the rest of the day. The energy it gives you will also boost your mood.

Photo: Isabelle Chu

 4. Exercise.

Get your blood pumping shortly after you get up. Exercise is good, period, but in the morning it does wonders for being alert and awake. Even better, it releases many of the same endorphins as sex.

5.  Sleep in your workout clothes.

Have trouble getting up and going to the gym? Why not sleep in your gym clothes? It takes time off your schedule and gives you no excuse to skip your workout.

6. Check all your social media sites.

Social media eats up more than 4 hours of the average person’s day. If you’re going to check your Twitter and Facebook, when you first wake up is actually the best time to do it. Posts early in the morning tend to be more positive and upbeat than later in the day. Those positive vibes may give you the boost your morning needs.

Photo: Rebecca Block

7. Get gas.

Gasoline is known to expand and contract by 1% for every 15 degrees the temperature changes. The morning is usually cooler which means the gas is more condensed and you’ll be getting more bang for your buck.

8. Read or do a crossword.

Reading a book or the newspaper in the morning helps you retain more information and gets your brain moving.

Photo: Rebecca Block

9. Have a little “me time.”

Fifteen to twenty minutes of “me time” in the morning fosters a more pleasant attitude and less stressful mindset throughout the rest of the day.

10. Find a peaceful alarm clock.

Instead of the annoying buzzing that makes you want to throw your iPhone across the room, choose something more soothing that will wake you up gradually.

Photo: Rebecca Block

 11. Don’t sleep in!

This might be unpleasant for some, but even on your days off, don’t do it! It messes with your circadian rhythm and keeping a routine is much better for your overall health.

Check out these other articles to help start your day off right!