
10 Beauty Remedies You Can Make From Thanksgiving Leftovers

What’s a girl (or guy) to do with one’s Turkey Day leftovers when one simply cannot stuff any more food in one’s face? Well, this girl sticks her face in her food. You heard me right. When you’ve had about all the leftover candied yams you can handle, (dare I say it) give your stomach a much-needed post Thanksgiving rest.

Turn your favorite fall ingredients into beauty hacks instead—because deliberately slapping food on your face is just more fun.

Make sure with any of these all-natural beauty tricks you try a small amount on your skin first. Smooth a tiny bit on the inside of your forearm (a sensitive spot) and wait a couple minutes to see how your skin reacts. If irritation occurs, ditch the recipe and try a new one instead. You’re bound to find one that refreshes your holiday look.

1. Butternut Babe Face Mask

1/2 cup of cooked squash
1 egg
2/3 cup of mashed papaya or pineapple

If you haven’t tried the creamy sweet potato-like butternut squash you’re missing out my friend. Packed with vitamin A and cancer-fighting carotenoids, this bright fall squash is good for your body inside and out. For an exfoliating face mask, mash the ingredients in a bowl. Leave your mask on for about 10 minutes or until it hardens. Rinse and voila! Baby-soft skin, baby.

Tip: For oily skin, swap out the fruit for a tablespoon of apple cider. To sooth dry skin, add a tablespoon of honey instead of the fruit. 

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2. Pumpkin Please Face Mask

1 1/2 cup of pumpkin
1/4 cup of plain yogurt
1 tablespoon of honey
1 tablespoon of olive oil

Put the great pumpkin to better use than pie. Mash up the pumpkin and mix in the rest. (This one’s sans egg so, go ahead and taste a bit, no one will judge.) For an exfoliating mask, try adding some oatmeal to the mixture. Same drill for the butternut mask, leave it on until the mixture hardens and then rinse.

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3. Crazy for Cranberry Body Butter

1/4 cup coconut oil
1 tablespoon Shea butter
1 tablespoon frozen cranberries

Cranberries may not take center stage on the Turkey Day table, but ditch the plate and you’ll find a few new uses for this tart treat. Go crazy for cranberry with this silky body butter. It’s not just your face that deserves a little lovin’. Use a hand mixer or blender to combine ingredients. Blend until smooth and store in a small plastic or tin container in the fridge for up to one week.

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4. Crushed Cranberry Lip Balm

1 handful of fresh cranberries
1 tablespoon of almond oil
1 teaspoon of honey

Smooth over those cracked lips with a cranberry cream mix that softens and tastes great too! Blend a healthy handful of cranberries and the other ingredients in a pot. Boil the mixture and stir. Let it stand for about five minutes. Pour into a small tin (think mini Altoids container) and let cool.

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5. Crimson Cranberry Lip Stain

1 handful of cooked cranberries
1 teaspoon of olive oil

Looking for a dramatic holiday look? Simply mash together cooked cranberries and olive oil, then strain into a small dish. Dip in a brush and paint on those natural crimson red lips.

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6. Cran Hair Mask

1/2 cup pureed carrot
1/2 cup fresh cranberries
2 tablespoons lemon juice

Wanna lighten those locks? Uncover your hidden highlights the natural way with a sweet cranberry hair mask. Blend ingredients in a bowl thoroughly. Cover your hair completely and leave it in for 10 minutes. This one works best when humidity’s in the mix so try twisting on the shower and letting your bathroom steam up before rinsing out your mask.

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7. All About Apple Skin Revitalizer

1 apple
2 tablespoons of honey

When the windchill brings out the blush burn in those cheeks, mash up this apple face mask to take down the inflammation and reduce the redness. Simply blend the two ingredients and smooth a coat over your face. You know the drill, let the mask harden before rinsing and revealing your ravishing new skin.

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8. Sweet Surprise Hair Balm

1 large sweet potato
1 cup plain yogurt
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon olive oil

Hold the turkey. Hold the stuffing, and send me over a hot plate of sweet potato casserole. Something’s just not right if this dish doesn’t make your holiday spread. Slather those sweet potatoes on your hair for luscious locks to combat these bitter cold months. Blend ingredients together and work into your hair. Let it sit for 15 to 20 minutes before rinsing out and enjoy your newly nourished look.

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9. Sugar, Spice and Everything Nice Exfoliator

1/2 cup mashes pumpkin
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/4 teaspoon of ground cinnamon

I say fall, you say spice. Whether it’s a PSL or pretty much any fall recipe, sugar and spices take the spotlight. Put them to work as incredibly effective exfoliators. Mix together and apply a light coat to your face. Wait for the mixture to dry before washing off. This one smells, tastes and feels just about as good as it sounds.

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10. Honey Hottie Skin Salve

1 tablespoon honey
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon nutmeg

They spiced up your Thanksgiving feast, now these three ingredients will spruce up your skin. Stir together and cover your face avoiding the eyes. Wait about 20 minutes and then rinse. Simple enough right?

Who ever said playing with your food was a bad idea?